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Updated: August 27, 2024

Their enthusiasm would never have wavered, had they been called upon for action; but these months of weary waiting, and of semi-starvation, without the acquisition of any booty or plunder for little, indeed, had been obtained at the capture of Metemmeh sapped their energy; and the force that crossed the Nile for an advance upon Berber was far less formidable than it would have been, had it been led forward against Merawi and Dongola directly after the capture of Metemmeh.

The force now placed under his command for the attack upon Abu Hamed amounted to about 3,600 men. Until that place was taken all other operations were delayed. The Sirdar awaited the issue at Merawi. The railway paused in mid-desert. General Hunter began his march on the 29th of July. The total distance from Kassingar to Abu Hamed is 146 miles.

I do not think I shall be disappointed, for the white troops are coming down, and stores are going up for the Egyptian brigade, so that I am certain not to be kept there many hours. The Sirdar has gone up to Fashoda, or I don't suppose I should have got leave." "Yes. I heard at Merawi, from the officer in command, that some foreign troops had arrived there.

Although his wound was scarcely healed, he took charge of the baggage animals on the way up from Merawi to Abu Hamed, and came forward here with Ahmed Bey and his followers, and in both cases he was most useful. But at the present, I cannot find any employment for him." "I will have a talk with him," Colonel Wingate said. "I think I can make good use of him.

Having fulfilled their object, which was to retain Mahmud at Metemmeh by showing him that, if he advanced against Merawi and Dongola, we had it in our power to occupy the town; and so cut off his retreat, and prevent reinforcements or stores from reaching him from Omdurman, the gunboats returned to Berber.

The first was addressed to the Sirdar, and reached General Rundle at Merawi by messenger on the 24th of June. It declared the Jaalin submission to the Government, and begged for help, if possible in men, or, failing that, in arms; but ended by saying that, help or no help, the tribe were resolved to fight the Dervishes and hold Metemma to the death.

All the troops in Dongola, with the exception of scanty garrisons in Merawi, Korti, and Debba, were massed at Berber.

When the white army came up, six months afterwards, they blew up the house, and cut down all the palm trees in the village." "I was with the force that came up from Merawi, last year. Will you bring me the three men you speak of? I would question them, one by one.

Mahmud had indeed, as it turned out, believed that the expedition to Abu Hamed was only undertaken to cover the flank of the Egyptian army from attack, from that quarter; and still believed that it was from Merawi that the main British force would advance against him. Before the supplies had all arrived, the position changed; as news came that Berber was being evacuated by the Dervishes.

The next thing we need is something to eat; for the last three days we have had nothing but dates, and not too many of them. "Is there any chance of getting taken up to Merawi? We came down from there to Korti, in a native vessel." "Yes; a gunboat with some native craft will be going up this afternoon. I will give orders, at once, that your horses shall be put on board."

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