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When Bonaparte had become emperor, he appointed Ragideau notary of the civil list, and always manifested the greatest interest in his behalf, and never by a word or a look did he remind him of the strange circumstance which brought about their acquaintance. See Meneval. The decisive word had been spoken: Josephine de Beauharnais was now the bride of General Bonaparte.

He sailed from Nantasket at the end of April, reached Port Royal on the eleventh of May, landed his militia, and summoned Meneval, the governor, to surrender. The people were promised security to life, liberty, and property, on condition of swearing allegiance to King William and Queen Mary; "which," says the journalist, "they did with great acclamation," and thereupon they were left unmolested.

We have quoted Metternich, and Lucien Bonaparte; let us hear Meneval, his successor, who remained faithful to his master to the end: "Absolute confidence cannot be given to statements contained in Memoirs published under the name of a man who has not composed them.

Méneval noticed nothing worse in his master's condition than a tendency to "réverie": he detected no disease. The statement of Pasquier that his genius and his physical powers were in a profound decline is a manifest exaggeration, uttered by a man who did not once see him before Waterloo, who was driven from Paris by him, and strove to discourage his supporters.

He was confided at first to the care of Madame I , nurse of Prince Achille Murat, who kept him three or four years, and then Monsieur de Meneval, his Majesty's secretary, was ordered to provide for the education of this child; and when the Emperor returned from the Island of Elba; the son of Mademoiselle E was placed in the care of her Majesty, the Empress-mother.

Cashel Hoey and John Lillie ; Fauvalet de Bourrienne, Eng. trans. by J. S. Memes, 3 vols. ; Antoine de Marbot, 3 vols.; C. F. de Meneval, covering the years 1802-1815, 3 vols. ; A. F. Miot de Melito, Eng. trans. ; L. P. de Segur, 3 vols; and C. M. de Talleyrand-Perigord, Eng. trans., 5 vols.

He was confided at first to the care of Madame I , nurse of Prince Achille Murat, who kept him three or four years, and then Monsieur de Meneval, his Majesty's secretary, was ordered to provide for the education of this child; and when the Emperor returned from the Island of Elba; the son of Mademoiselle E was placed in the care of her Majesty, the Empress- mother.

He was confided at first to the care of Madame I , nurse of Prince Achille Murat, who kept him three or four years, and then Monsieur de Meneval, his Majesty's secretary, was ordered to provide for the education of this child; and when the Emperor returned from the Island of Elba; the son of Mademoiselle E was placed in the care of her Majesty, the Empress-mother.

How many pullets to-day, Borel? 'Ah, Monsieur de Meneval, it is heartrending, cried the cook. 'Behold them! and, drawing back the flap of the entrance, he showed us seven dishes, each of them containing a cold fowl. 'The eighth is now on the fire and done to a turn, but I hear that His Majesty has started for the review, so we must put on a ninth.

Lucien tendered his resignation, which was accepted, and he departed for Spain. This diplomatic mission turned to his advantage. It was necessary that one should veil the Machiavellian invention of the 'Parallel. See Meneval, tome iii. p. 105. Whoever wrote it Napoleon certainly planned its issue. See also Lanfrey, tome ii. p. 208; and compare the story in Iung's Lucien, tome ii. p. 490.