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Updated: August 16, 2024

De Legatione Babylonica, Parisiis, 1532, contains also the first three Decades. Mazzuchelli mentions an edition of the eight Decades published in Paris in 1536. De Orbe Novo Petri Martyris ab Angleria, mediolanensis protonotarii Cæsaris senatoris Decades. Cum privilegio imperiali. Compluti apud Michælem d'Eguia, anno MDXXX, in fol.

"He was consecrated at Mobile by Bishop Portier, assisted by Bishop Blanc, of New Orleans, on December 10, 1837. His diocese was a vast region unknown to him. The unfinished Church of St. Raphael, at Dubuque, was the only Catholic church in the Territory, and the Rev. Sam. Mazzuchelli, its pastor, was the only Catholic priest.

Milano, 1670. GIAMMATTEO TOSCANO: Peplus Italiæ. GIROLAMO TIRABOSCHI: Storia della Letteratura Italiana. Modena, 1772. R.P. NICERON: Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres dans la République des Lettres, Paris, 1745. GIOVANNI MAZZUCHELLI: Gli Scrittori d'Italia. Brescia, 1753-1763. NICOLAI ANTONII: Bibliotheca Hispana nova sive Hispanorum Scriptorum. Madrid, 1783.

Did the father ever send a thought or an inquiry after the fate of his child, or of the young being whose life he had rendered dark and desolate? We will hope that he did that he repented and asked pardon from above for the evil he had wrought. Agathe had been baptized by M. Mazzuchelli.

He whose eye can only measure the space occupied by the voluminous labours of the elder Pliny, of a Mazzuchelli, a Muratori, a Montfaucon, and a Gough, all men who laboured from the love of labour, and can see nothing in that space but the industry which filled it, is like him who only views a city at a distance the streets and the edifices, and all the life and population within, he can never know.

If on the journey you are asked why you have undertaken it, say that you are on urgent business for your master, and if necessity require it, show the letter; but once in Cologne, do not present the letter to Mazzuchelli. Two hundred crowns! that is a fortune, Julio. With that you can live luxuriously for two or three years.

Mazzuchelli, a Roman Catholic priest, accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Grignon as interpreter, made a missionary visit to the Portage during our residence there, and, after some instruction from him, about forty consented to be baptized.

Morley, 'Life of Cardan. Berti, 'Vita di Giordano Bruno. Bartholmess, 'Vie de Jordano Bruno. Muir's 'Life of Mahomet. Stanley's 'Life of Arnold. Mazzuchelli, 'Vita di Archimede. Blot's 'Life of Newton. Drinkwater's 'Kepler and Galileo.

Count MAZZUCHELLI, early in life, formed a noble but too mighty a project, in which, however, he considerably advanced.

Mazzuchelli states that, at one period, there were but two bishops and Peter Martyr to whom the Queen consented even to listen. Now and again the figure of the insane queen appears like a pallid spectre in Martyr's pages. Her caprices and vagaries are noted from time to time in the Opus Epistolarum; indeed the story of her sufferings is all there.

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