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Why was it not possible that motion should not ever communicate itself from one body to another? In such a case a ball in motion would stop near another at their meeting, and yet never shake it. SECT. LXXX. The Rules of Motion, which the Epicureans suppose do not render it essential to Bodies.

Many of the passages in the indictment of Apuur resemble the descriptions of the state of the land of Israel and her people which are found in the writings of the Hebrew Prophets, and the "shepherd of mankind," i.e. of the Egyptians, forcibly reminds us of the appeal to the "Shepherd of Israel" in Psalm lxxx. 1.

The son of Jesse combats alone thousands of foreigners; alone he terrifies their camp and leader. He died September 8th, 1721, aged lxxx." The peaks of Balsille are fringed with pines, but the rocks themselves are so pointed and broken that they resemble tops of pines on a Titan scale. There are four principal peaks, and so the mountain has been named Quatre Dents."

LXXX. Those in the ships seeing the murder uttered a shriek which could be heard even to the land, and quickly raising their anchors, took to flight: and a strong breeze aided them in their escape to the open sea, so that the Egyptians, though desirous of pursuing, turned back.

And on their march no one could quit the line without being taken by Caesar's horse. LXXX. Whilst skirmishes were fought in this manner, they advanced but slowly and gradually, and frequently halted to help their rear, as then happened.

On Plate LXXX. we have in figure 1 a representation of a holy pillar, the volute capital of which has on it a Crescent moon within the horns of which is a disc plainly marked with a cross. This is taken from an ancient cylinder of Hittite origin.

LXXX. For this reason the conspirators precipitated the execution of their design , that they might not be obliged to give their assent to the proposal.

Remarks on the new Comet. Discovery of Two Satellites revolving round George's Planet. On Three Volcanoes in the Moon. Phil. Trans., vol. lxxviii. Phil. Trans., vol. lxxix. Observations on a Comet. Catalogue of a Second Thousand new Nebulæ and Clusters of Stars. Some Preliminary Remarks on the Constitution of the Heavens. Phil. Trans., vol. lxxx.

Consider it, if you please, and give me your thoughts on it by Mr. Short: but I do not communicate it to him, nor any other mortal living but yourself. Be pleased to present me in the most friendly terms to the ladies, and believe me to be, with great esteem, Dear Sir, your friend and servant, Th: Jefferson. LETTER LXXX. TO HOGENDORP, July 29, 1785 Paris, July 29, 1785. Dear Sir,

And also how with the verie same order of lxxx. rankes, by chaungyng onely to the hinder parte the five rankes of Pikes which were the formost of everie Centurie, thei maye likewise in bringyng them in battaile raie, come to bee placed behinde: whiche may be doen, when in marchyng, the enemies should come to assaulte them at their backes: accordynge as the orderyng therof is before declared.