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"Reminds me of what the Bible sez," said Logroller; "'there's a lion on the trail; I'll be chawed up, sez the lazy galoot, ur words to that effect." "Come, come boys," interposed the colonel; "don't mix religion an' bizness. They don't mix no more than Hello, thar's the crack of Old Black's whip! Pick yer bushes quick! All jump when I whistle!" Each man secreted himself near the roadside.

An' I know it's tough but consid'rin' how everlastin' eternally hard up we are, I reckon we'll have to ask contributions from the ladies, too, ef ther's any aboard eh, boy?" "Reckon so," replied Logroller, with a chuckle that seemed to inspire even his black domino with a merry wrinkle or two. "What's the use of women's rights ef they don't ever hev a chance of exercisin' 'em?

The world was to be informed at length as to the "essential" nature of that religion. Divines and Freethinkers had alike misunderstood and misrepresented it. After a lapse of nearly two thousand years the "straight tip," if we may so express it, was to come from "Logroller."

This poem was reviewed by Mr. Richard Le Gallienne, a younger poet, who is also a professional critic in the Star, where his weekly causerie on books and their writers is printed over the signature of "Logroller." Mr. Le Gallienne took Mr. Buchanan to task for his hostility to "the Christianity of Christ," the nature of which was not defined nor even made intelligible. Mr.