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"Ye mean, Ma'm," said she, "that Flukey can sleep in a real bed and have doctor's liniments for his bones?" Ann nodded. "Yes. Now then hurry!... Look at that poor little boy!" Flukey was on his knees, leaning against the wall, his feverish fingers clutching his curls. "Horace! Horace!" called Ann.

'You are scalded painfully, and I not at all! She gazed into his kind face as she had never gazed there before, and when Mrs. Loveday came back with oil and other liniments for the wound Anne would let nobody dress it but herself. It seemed as if her coyness had all gone, and when she had done all that lay in her power she still sat by him.

He lay on the bed just as he had been originally placed there. Each day the brusque little doctor drove out from Forks, and each day he went back leaving little encouragement behind him. Before he went away, after his third visit, he shook his head gravely in response to the nurse's eager inquiries. "He's got to get busy soon," he said, as he returned his liniments and medical stores to his bag.

Well, how happy everybody wuz; how good they looked to me and I to them, I knew it by their liniments. How the children doted on me and their Pa, how dear little Tommy hung round us.

Best of all I like to hear him tell of his earlier days when he sold liniments and cough cures on street corners, living hand to mouth, heart to heart with the people, throwing heads or tails with fortune for his last coin. "I struck Fisher Hill, Arkansaw," said he, "in a buckskin suit, moccasins, long hair and a thirty-carat diamond ring that I got from an actor in Texarkana.

Have you any remarks to make and directions to give on accidental poisoning by lotions, by liniments, etc? It is a culpable practice of either a mother or nurse to leave external applications within the reach of a child. Many liniments contain large quantities of opium, a tea-spoonful of which would be likely to cause the death of a child.

"He has a terrible abscess in his jaw, and is unable to speak or to swallow." The landlord took the torch from its place and walked over and looked at Paolo's cheek. "There is no mistake about that," he said. "It is indeed a terrible swelling, and the cheek looks almost raw." "He has put liniments on it," Hector said, "but they seem to have done him harm rather than good.

"When I arrived I found Daddy confined to his bed, and groaning with pain, while his wife and Fanny and several of the neighbors, were flying about, applying hot fomentations, and a variety of liniments. "I immediately sent for Dr.

Medicine, liniments, change of air. My dear, it's no use. What's the use of paying two guineas to hear a man tell you to do a dozen things which are hopelessly impossible? It's paying good money only to be aggravated and depressed. If it comes to that, I can prescribe for myself without paying a sou... Knock off all work for a year.

Acute inflammation is treated by means of local application of cold or hot packs until the pain and acute stage of inflammation has subsided and later stimulating liniments are indicated. Absolute quiet must be enforced. Especially where the carpus is involved must the subject be kept quiet until all evidence of inflammation has subsided.