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Updated: August 14, 2024

I repeat, Padua is a freakish city. The Sub-Prefect writes madrigals in vain. Castracane, the goatherd, sends Silvestro sprawling, and wins the golden Ippolita for a willing bride. What are we to make of it? Deus nobis hæc otia fecit. "L'Anima semplicetta, che sa nulla, Salvo che, mossa da lieto fattore, Volentier torna a ciò che la trastulla." Purg. xvi. 88.

The ancient Gauls' looked upon it as a very horrid thing for a man to have society with a woman before he was twenty years of age, and strictly recommended to the men who designed themselves for war the keeping their virginity till well grown in years, forasmuch as courage is abated and diverted by intercourse with women: "Ma, or congiunto a giovinetta sposa, E lieto omai de' figli, era invilito Negli affetti di padre et di marito."

Chi vuol esser lieto sia, Di doman non c'e certezza." Nello was as easily awaked as a bird. The cap was off his eyes in an instant, and he started up. "Ah, my Apollino! I am somewhat late with my siesta on this hot day, it seems. That comes of not going to sleep in the natural way, but taking a potion of potent poesy.

Chi fu de’ contadini il si indiscreto, Ch’ a sbigottir la gente Diede nome dolente Al vin’ che sovra gli altri il cuor fa lieto? Lagrima dunque appellerassi un riso Parte di nobilissima vendemmia?”

"What can one do? It is the way of the world 'lieto ricordo d'un amor che ," sang Contini in the thin but expressive falsetto which seems to be the natural inheritance of men who play upon stringed instruments. He broke off in the middle of a bar and laughed, out of sheer delight at his own good fortune. In due time the purchaser came, saw and actually bought.

However this may be, we must certainly ascribe to him the beautiful song which accompanied the masque of Bacchus and Ariadne, whose refrain still echoes to us from the fifteenth century, like a regretful presentiment of the brief splendor of the Renaissance itself: 'Quanto è bella giovinezza, Che si fugge tuttavia! Chi vuol esser lieto, sia: Di doman non c'è certezza. Part Six

Just receive a quatrain of the pure spring, and judge for yourself: "Chi gode goda, che pur io stento; Chi e in pace si sia, ch' io son in guerra; Chi ha diletto l' habbi, ch' io ho tormento; Chi vive lieto, in me dolor afferra." Balance is there. Vocalisation, adjustment of sound, discriminate use of long syllables and short, of subjunctive and indicative moods.

"Everything," she would answer another time, "is making me happy." "I think I am happiness," she said once. How could she naturally be other than happy, seeing she came of happiness! "Il lieto fattore," says Dante; "whose happy-making sight," says Milton. Mr. Wylder went and dined with sir Wilton and lady Ann. The latter did her poor best to please him, and was successful.

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