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The story of their evolution has been worked out by Professors Leidy, Marsh, Cope, and H. F. Osborne. A recent bit of paleontological evidence bearing on the question of the introduction of species is that presented by Dr. J. L. Wortman in connection with the fossil lineage of the edentates.

Sellers next presented the minutes of the meeting of January 24th, as follows: The Committee met on January 24th, 1885, at the Girard House, Philadelphia, in Room 24. There were present: Dr. Leidy, Mr. H.H. Furness and Mr. Coleman Sellers, with the Medium, Dr. Henry Slade. Dr. Leidy occupied the position previously held by Professor Thompson, to the right of the Medium; Messrs.

These records were made known mainly by Professors Joseph Leidy, O. C. Marsh, and E. D. Cope, working independently, and more recently by numerous younger paleontologists. The profusion of vertebrate remains thus brought to light quite beggars all previous exhibits in point of mere numbers.

PHILADA., November 6th, 1884. The Committee reconvened this day, at 8 o'clock P.M., at the residence of Mr. H.H. Furness, when the investigation of the Spirit Rappings, in the presence of Mrs. Margaret Fox Kane as Medium, was resumed. The persons present were the following: Of the Committee Dr. Leidy, Mr. Furness, Dr. Koenig, Mr. Fullerton, Mr.

Agassiz himself was a living and vital force in it, as were such men as Joseph Leidy and H. F. Osborne. It is a remarkable fact that one of the few truly original and novel ideas the past century can boast, and the one which has had the deepest influence on geology, had its origin in the brain of an illiterate Swiss chamois hunter named Perraudin.

The Medium sat with her feet partly under the table, and consequently concealed from most of those present her feet were hidden also by her dress. Dr. Leidy asked the question: "Is any Spirit present?" Ans. Three raps. Dr. Leidy: "Will you confer with the man to left of the Medium?" Ans. Two raps. Dr. Leidy: "To the right?" Ans. Three raps. Ans. Three raps. "Will it answer to the alphabet?"

Furness, on Washington Square, to investigate some Materializations promised by the Mediums, Dr. Rothermel and Mr. Powell. There were present Mr. Furness, Dr. Leidy, Professor Thompson, Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, Dr. White, Dr. Knerr, Mr. Fullerton, Colonel Kase, Mr. Frank Furness, Mrs. J. Dundas Lippincott, Mrs. Dr. Pepper, Mrs. A.L. Wister, and a number of others.

Thus Falconer and Cautley have made known the fauna of the sub-Himalayas and the Perim Islands; Gaudry that of Attica; many observers that of Central Europe and France; and Leidy that of Nebraska, on the eastern flank of the Rocky Mountains. The results are very striking.

Sellers and Furness facing her. The Medium: Will the Spirit rap here? Twenty-three seconds elapse. Dr. Leidy: Is any Spirit present? An interval of thirty-nine seconds here followed, when the attention of the Committee was momentarily diverted by an inquiry addressed to Mr. Furness by Mr. Sellers, viz.: Whether a glass plate of sufficient strength to bear the weight of the Medium was procurable.

Taking all these facts together, it is obvious that the view, which was entertained by Mantell and the probability of which was demonstrated by your own distinguished anatomist, Leidy, while much additional evidence in the same direction has been furnished by Professor Cope, that some of these animals may have walked upon their hind legs as birds do, acquires great weight.