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This was done in Lall Bazaar, a little withdrawn from that thoroughfare to this day of the poor and abandoned Christians, of the sailors and soldiers on leave, of the liquor-shops and the stews.

Arthur needn't beg for any favour. Only I wouldn't have come here if I had thought that she had intended to sit silent like that always." "It makes her unhappy, I suppose," said Lady Wharton, "because she can't do what we all want." "Fall, lall! She'd have wanted it herself if nobody else had wished it. I'm surprised that Arthur should be so much taken with her."

As Calcutta grew and litigation increased the number of Judges was also gradually increased until there are now, I believe, six and a Registrar to do the work that three, formerly, were able to cope with. The Chief Presidency Magistrate has lately changed his court from Lall Bazaar to Bankshall Street, formerly occupied from time immemorial by the Board of Revenue.

In K. Lall Dey's "Indigenous Drugs of India," it is called Papeeta, which is pronounced Pepita in English; and Pepita is the Spanish word for the kernel of a fruit. It is also held in high estimation as an antidote for the bite of serpents. It should not be taken into the mouth, for should the spittle be swallowed, and vomiting not ensue, death would be inevitable.

The East India Company an unwilling partner of Carey Calcutta opened to the Mission by his appointment as Government teacher of Bengali Meeting of 1802 grows into the Lall Bazaar mission Christ-like work among the poor, the sick, the prisoners, the soldiers and sailors and the natives Krishna Pal first native missionary in Calcutta Organisation of subordinate stations Carey's "United Missions in India" The missionary staff thirty strong The native missionaries The Bengali church self-propagating Carey the pioneer of other missionaries Benares Burma and Indo-China Felix Carey Instructions to missionaries The missionary shrivelled into an ambassador Adoniram and Ann Judson Jabez Carey Mission to Amboyna Remarkable letter from Carey to his third son.

Put theek, you know made nice to please Ditta Mull! The Legal Member left his place and moved up next to Tods. 'What do you know about ryotwari, little man? he said. 'I'm not a little man, I'm Tods, and I know all about it. Ditta Mull, and Choga Lall, and Amir Nath, and oh, lakhs of my friends tell me about it in the bazars when I talk to them. 'Oh, they do do they? What do they say, Tods?

Lall mentions a horn from the cheek; Gregory reports one that measured 7 1/2 inches long that was removed from the temple of a woman in Edinburgh; Chariere of Barnstaple saw a horn that measured seven inches growing from the nape of a woman's neck; Kameya Iwa speaks of a dermal horn of the auricle; Saxton of New York has excised several horns from the tympanic membrane of the ear; Noyes speaks of one from the eyelid; Bigelow mentions one from the chin; Minot speaks of a horn from the lower lip, and Doran of one from the neck.

Put theek, you know made nice to please Ditta Mull!" The Legal Member left his place and moved up next to Tods. "What do you know about Ryotwari, little man?" he said. "I'm not a little man, I'm Tods, and I know ALL about it. Ditta Mull, and Choga Lall, and Amir Nath, and oh, lakhs of my friends tell me about it in the bazars when I talk to them." "Oh, they do do they? What do they say, Tods?"

Except the portrait in London and the bust in Calcutta, no memorial, national, catholic, or sectarian, marks the work of Carey. That work is meanwhile most appropriately embodied in the College for natives at Serampore, in the Lall Bazaar chapel and Benevolent Institution for the poor of Calcutta.

So many many times this Official Report leaves one's curiosity unsatisfied. For instance, here is a little paragraph out of the record of a certain band of 193 Thugs, which has that defect: "Fell in with Lall Sing Subahdar and his family, consisting of nine persons. Traveled with them two days, and the third put them all to death except the two children, little boys of one and a half years old."