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Scratchard looked out of her coop and called to Goody Kertarkut, "Look how Mr. Gray Cock is flirting with that widow. I always knew she was a baggage." "And his poor wife left at home alone," said Goody Kertarkut. "It's the way with 'em all!"

Feathertop gave only one shriek and fainted dead away, and was carried home on a cabbage-leaf; and Mr. Gray Cock was sent for, where he was waiting on Mrs. Red Comb through the squash-vines. "It's a serious time in your family, sir," said Goody Kertarkut, "and you ought to be at home supporting your wife. Send for Dr. Peppercorn without delay." Now as the case was a very dreadful one, Dr.

Peppercorn, who looked solemn, and recommended an infusion of angle-worms, and said he would look in on the patient twice a day till she was better. "Gracious me, Gray Cock!" said old Goody Kertarkut, who had been lolling at the corner as he passed, "ain't you a fool? cocks always are fools. Don't you know what's the matter with your wife? She wants to sit, that's all; and you just let her sit.

I'm sorry for you, my dear; but it's all the result of your inexperience. You ought to have eaten pebble-stones with your meal when you were sitting. Don't you see, Dame Kertarkut, what bills they have? That'll increase, and they'll be frightful!" "What shall I do?" said Mrs. Feathertop, now greatly alarmed.

He tried to make a little affable conversation with her, and to relate his interview with the doctor and Goody Kertarkut; but she was morose and sullen, and only pecked at him now and then in a very sharp, unpleasant way. So after a few more efforts to make himself agreeable he left her, and went out promenading with the captivating Mrs.

"I knew what would come of HER family all deformed, and with a dreadful sort of madness which makes them love to shovel mud with those shocking spoon-bills of theirs." "It's a kind of idiocy," said Goody Kertarkut. "Poor things! they can't be kept from the water, nor made to take powders, and so they get worse and worse."

Feathertop began to feel the world going well with her, when suddenly in came Dame Scratchard and Goody Kertarkut to make a morning call. "Let's see the chicks," said Dame Scratchard. "Goodness me," said Goody Kertarkut, "what a likeness to their dear papa!" "Well, but bless me, what's the matter with their bills?" said Dame Scratchard. "Why, my dear, these chicks are deformed!

"Yes, yes," said Dame Scratchard, "she'll know what real life is now, and she won't go about holding her head so high, and looking down on her practical neighbours that have raised families." "Poor thing! what'll she do with a family?" said Goody Kertarkut. "Well, what business have such young flirts to get married?" said Dame Scratchard.