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And if there be found any such in our land, in the beginning of the war, they shall be attached, without damage to their bodies or goods, until it be known unto us, or our chief justiciary, how our merchants be treated in the nation at war with us; and if ours be safe there, the others shall be safe in our dominions.

As the justiciary of the county of Tourine is quite distinct from that of the parliament of Paris, if you are determined to know about your son, I advise you to go and see the Chancelier Olivier, who has the management of this great trial under orders from the lieutenant-general of the kingdom."

"I hate these rough-cast witch-findings 'tis not a matter for man's judgment, unless 'tis sworn and proven in court before the Justiciary." "Nay," joined in an old man, "what need of a Justice when God speaks? We did but thole her to the river to see if she would sink or swim.

"But I must get to my plew-stilts." And he would seclude himself as usual in the back room, and Archie go forth into the night and the city quivering with animosity and scorn. It chanced in the year 1813 that Archie strayed one day into the Justiciary Court. The macer made room for the son of the presiding judge.

By confessing frankly you will improve your present condition." Maslova, still looking straight at the justiciary, was silent. "Tell us what took place." "What took place?" suddenly said Maslova. "I came to the hotel; I was taken to the room; he was there, and was already very drunk." She became silent, as if she had lost the thread of the story, or thought of something else. "What then?"

He had no sooner received my answer, than he carried the crier to the justiciary judge; and showing him the necklace, Sir, said he, here is a necklace that was stolen from me, and the thief, under the character of a merchant, has had the impudence to offer it to sale, and is this minute in the bezestein.

Both were mightily frightened at the accident, especially as it happened in their house; and there was reason to fear, that if the justiciary magistrates should hear of it, they would be punished as assassins.

"Your friend, here," said Claverhouse to the veteran, coolly, "is one of those scrupulous gentlemen, who, like the madman in the play, will not tie his cravat without the warrant of Mr Justice Overdo; but I will let him see, before we part, that my shoulder-knot is as legal a badge of authority as the mace of the Justiciary.

As he spoke, the five Lords of Justiciary, in their long robes of scarlet, faced with white, and preceded by their mace-bearer, entered with the usual formalities, and took their places upon the bench of judgment.

And such was the horror which the deed excited in England, that it hastened the fall of Hubert de Burgh, though Maurice Fitzgerald, of Offally ancestor of the Kildare family having cleared himself of all complicity in it by oath was continued as Justiciary for ten years longer.