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Updated: August 5, 2024

Behind Wailuku is the Iao valley, up which I rode with two island friends, and spent a day of supreme, satisfied admiration. At Iao people may throw away pen and pencil in equal despair.

From the traditionary stories of this god Iao, which was figured annually to be born at the winter solstice, and to be put to death and raised to life on the third day at the vernal equinox, the Roman searchers after the evangelion or gospel made out their Jesus.

We afterward saw Japanese by the score, both men and women, planting a large area of newly plowed land with sugar-cane. After we were rested and refreshed, and had sampled the mangoes that had fallen from a tree near the house, Mr. Aiken took us in his automobile up into the famous Iao Valley, at the mouth of which Wailuku is situated.

After some time the scene shifted, and through glacial rifts appeared as in a dream the Eeka mountains which enfold the Iao valley, broad fields of cane 8000 feet below, the flushed palm- fringed coast, and the deep blue sea sleeping in perpetual calm.

I still remember, with a sense of indolent luxury, a picnicing excursion up a romantic gorge there, called the Iao Valley. The trail lay along the edge of a brawling stream in the bottom of the gorge a shady route, for it was well roofed with the verdant domes of forest trees.

From all these circumstances he came to have applied to him the monogram of I H S.... and to him at last all the legendary stories related of the god Iao were attributed." According to Faber, Jesus was not originally called Jesus Christ, but Jescua Hammassiah Jescua meaning Joshua, and Jesus, Savior. Ham is the Om of India, and Messiah, the anointed.

There ought to be a great future for this industry, when Eastern consumers really find out the superior quality of the Hawaiian product. From Mr. Aiken's house one has a view of the great wall of mountains that form the western and older older geologically end of the island, in which lies the famous Iao Valley, which I have already described.

It was a formula of a sacramental kind by which the life of the disciple was mystically identified with the Life of the Master, so that the knowledge of the real nature of the soul is given or restored by God. During its use the mind was, of course, concentrated on its inner meanings. Various aspects of mystical truth could be expressed by its permutations; ÏAÔ, ÔAÏ, AÔÏ, etc. Cp.

I still remember, with a sense of indolent luxury, a picnicing excursion up a romantic gorge there, called the Iao Valley. The trail lay along the edge of a brawling stream in the bottom of the gorge a shady route, for it was well roofed with the verdant domes of forest trees.

Ie-hovah, and in composition Iah, the Being; Iao, ioupitur, same meaning; ha-iah, Heb., he was; ei, Gr., he is, ei-nai, to be; an-i, Heb., and in conjugation th-i, me; e-go, io, ich, i, m-i, me, t-ibi, te, and all the personal pronouns in which the vowels i, e, ei, oi, denote personality in general, and the consonants, m or n, s or t, serve to indicate the number of the person.

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