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Allowin' the smart ones to show off their smartness to the best advantage. Awakenin' a spirit of helpful emulation in the more backward and sluggish of 'em. Yes, the light from this big house-warmin' she knew would penetrate and glow into the darkest corners of the earth, and, like a great warm sun, bring forth a glowin' and never-endin' harvest of blessed results.

They climbed a ladder and looked down into the reservoir partly filled with golden grain, and Jerry, noticing a coil of rope hanging from an upright, inquired: "Did ye hev a lynchin' in hyar by way of house-warmin'?" McGivins laughed, but his narrative had not yet come to uses of that rope, and he refused to be hurried.

"What's your game?" repeated Mac sternly, as the Boy reached the door. "What's the good o' talkin'?" he answered; but he paused, turned, and leaned heavily against the rude lintel. "Course, I know you'd be shot before you'd do it, but what I'd like, would be to hear you say you wouldn't kick up a hell of a row if Father Wills happens in to the House-Warmin'."

"What party?" asked the man, his look of amusement giving place to one of dismay. "Our-alls party. We's havin' a ball an' a house-warmin'. You must be comin' fum a long ways off not to be hearin' 'bout hit!" "You mean the Sequins are having a party, tonight?" "Yas, sir." "But aren't they expecting me? Didn't they get my telegram?" "I dunno, sir. Dey nebber said nothin' to me."

"Why did you ask Jessie Stevens to go with you to the house-warmin'?" was the girl's retort. "I certainly didn't ask her," he replied hotly. "You must know I didn't." "Then Seth lied!" exclaimed Miss Conklin. "But I guess he'll not try that again with me Seth Stevens I mean.

"Why did you ask Jessie Stevens to go with you to the house-warmin'?" was the girl's retort. "I certainly didn't ask her," he replied hotly. "You must know I didn't." "Then Seth lied!" exclaimed Miss Conklin. "But I guess he'll not try that again with me Seth Stevens I mean.

"Who hath brought this thing to pass?" And then anon I went to thinkin' in common readin' agin, and thinks'es I A little feeble woman died a few days ago not so very old either who wuz the first child born in Chicago and I thought What a big, big day's work wuz done under her eye-sight! What a immense house-warmin' she would had to had in order to warm up all the housen built under her eye!