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Behind these he drew up his cavalry, supported at each side by the Gascons, and placed his French and German infantry in the rear. Egmont, on the other hand, divided his cavalry into five squadrons. Three of light horse were placed in advance for the first assault the centre commanded by himself, the two wings by Count Pontenals and Henrico Henriquez.

Father Xavier was not content to have fortified the missioners, both by word and writing, in his own person; he desired of Father Ignatius, that he would also encourage them with his epistles, and, principally, that he would have the goodness to write to Henry Henriquez, a man mortified to the world, and laborious in his ministry.

In his preface, after an apology for his performance, and making a declaration of his strict adherence to truth in all the particulars he relates, Cada Mosto gives some account of the infant Don Henriquez, or Henry, of Portugal, the great author and promoter of maritime discoveries.

There is a tradition that the first king of Portugal, Affonso Henriquez, was crowned on the battlefield with a burst of enthusiasm on the part of the soldiers whom he was leading against the Saracens, and that on the same day he opened his reign by the glorious victory of Ourique.

One little week did Ferdinand spend within the home of his boyhood; and in that brief interval the earthly fate of Marie Henriquez was decided. He had deferred his visit till such peace and prosperity had dawned for Spain, that he could offer his bride not only a home suited to his rank, but the comfort of his presence and protection for an indeterminate time.

According to Roman records, the city flourished about 300 A.D. as Cetobriga. We must return to the Minho province still the most representative section of Portugal for monuments of Portuguese antiquity. Guimaraens is the oldest town of purely native growth, and is closely associated with the life of Affonso Henriquez.

It was Donna Emelie de Castro, at whose house she had joined the world; but her emotion, supposed natural to the agitating ceremony impending, and her father's precarious health, happily for her, passed without further notice than sympathy and love. Henriquez, for once, was indifferent alike to the agitation of Marie, or the presence of Ferdinand.

Henriquez had been absent from the vale during Stanley's unexpected visit, and he tarried long enough to excite the alarm, not only of his child but of their domestics; nor was its cause when explained likely to ease Marie's anxiety.

I was taken off that rock by means of the boat, which you doubtless have missed; and this is the gentle being who has been the means of saving my life. To her and Jack Tier, who is yonder, under the shadows of the house, I owe my not being the victim of Spike's cruelty." "I now comprehend the whole matter, Don Henriquez.

The leaders of the enterprise were, the gallant marques of Cadiz; Don Pedro Henriquez, adelantado of Andalusia; Don Juan de Silva, count of Cifuentes and bearer of the royal standard, who commanded in Seville; Don Alonso de Cardenas, master of the religious and military order of Santiago; and Don Alonso de Aguilar.