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He stood there then silently waiting. It was Hamvert's room next door, and Hamvert and the Weasel were already late. A step sounded outside in the corridor. Jimmie Dale straightened intently. The step passed on down the hallway and died away. A false alarm! Jimmie Dale smiled whimsically.

Jimmie Dale read on, muttering snatches of the letter aloud: "Michael Breen prospecting in Alaska map of location of rich mining claim Hamvert, his former partner, had previously fleeced him of fifteen thousand dollars his share of a deal together Breen was always a very poor man Breen later struck a claim alone; but, taking sick, came back home died on arrival in New York after giving map to his wife wife in very needy circumstances lives with little daughter of seven in New Rochelle works out by the day at Henry Mittel's house on the Sound near-by wife intrusted map for safe-keeping and advice to Mittel Hamvert after map telephone wires cut room one hundred and forty-eight, corner, right, first floor, Palais-Metropole Hotel, unoccupied connecting doors quarter past nine to-night the Weasel Mittel's house later the police look out for both the Weasel and the police, Jimmie "

Mittel ostensibly. In reality, you run what is nothing better than an exceedingly profitable bucket shop. The Weasel has been a customer and also a stool for you for years. How Hamvert met the Weasel is unimportant he came East with the intention of getting in touch with a slick crook to help him the Weasel is the coincidence, that is all.

It was a strange adventure this that confronted him, quite the strangest in a way that the Tocsin had ever planned and the night lay before him full of peril in its extraordinary complications. To win the hand he must block Hamvert and the Weasel without allowing them an inkling that his interference was anything more than, say, the luck of a hotel sneak thief at most.