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Updated: August 14, 2024

True, as he himself knows, and readily admits, he is no orator; but then orators are not always the men who get on in France. Grevy, it is true, could be long-winded, prosy, and didactic; but the powers of elocution which Carnot and Felix Faure possessed were infinitesimal.

Adopting, however, the views with respect to the superiority of the mechanism of our political system to that of our neighbours, which I have ventured to urge, you proceed to argue that the remedy is in their hands; that without abandoning their republicanism they and their confrères in France have nothing to do but to dismiss their Presidents and to substitute our constitution without a King, the body without the head, for their own, to get rid of the inconveniences which they now experience; and you quote with approbation, as an embodiment of this idea, the project submitted by M. Grévy and the Red Republicans to the French Constituent Assembly.

"She was a peasant, you know, a country girl in Norway. That's Grevy, the President of the French Republic; his father was a peasant. Lincoln, of course. Sforza, throwing his hoe into the oak," he said, explaining the picture that had caught Barker's eye on the wall above the mantel. "He was working in the field, when a band of adventurers came by, and he tossed his hoe at the tree.

Thiers was in the president's chair; Louis Blanc, Jules Favre, Jules Grevy, and others were on the platform. I confess I was rather disappointed; I thought that this pleiades of brilliant minds would surely overcome me to such a degree that I should not sleep for weeks. But, strangely enough, they had just the opposite effect. I think Mr. Washburn must be writing a book on modern history, and Mr.

The constitution was revised in 1884, the republic now declared permanent and final, and Grevy again elected president. General Boulanger, the minister of war in the new government, succeeded in making himself highly popular, many looking upon him as a coming Napoleon, by whose genius the republic would be overthrown.

He was nominated by a large majority, and the Republicans were jubilant thought the Republic was at last established on a firm and proper basis. Grevy was perfectly calm and self-possessed did not show much enthusiasm. He must have felt quite sure from the first moment that he would be named.

MacMahon was as weak as a school-girl on such occasions; Grevy is scarce better; at least he does not call weakness Christian charity. 'The Impressions of Theophrastus Such' are little intelligible to me, merely because I have read so few books of the authoress. His critical judgement and sparkling conversation made him a special feature of the Duchess's salon.

In 1885 M. Grévy was re-elected. This was, of course, construed as a vote of approval of the anti-monarchistic tone of the administration. So republicanism grew bolder.

Grevy was a thorough Republican but an old-fashioned Republican, not in the least enthusiastic, rather sceptical didn't at all see the ideal Republic dreamed of by the younger men where all men were alike and nothing but honesty and true patriotism were the ruling motives.

The different members of the cabinet made statements explaining their policy, but apparently they had satisfied nobody on either side, and it was evident that the Chamber was not only dissatisfied but actively hostile. W. and his friends were very discouraged and disgusted. They had gone as far as they could in the way of concessions. W. saw Grevy very often.

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