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While she was coming back along the iron road on the top of the narrow embankment, Gilby could see her from where he sat a stalwart young woman in homespun gown, stooping and rising with regular toilsome movement as she worked the rattling machine that came swiftly nearer.

Afterwards, when the train was at the station, and Chaplot and Zilda had put his bags and his wraps beside him on a cushioned seat, Gilby turned and with great politeness accosted two fine ladies who were travelling in the same carriage and with whom he had a slight acquaintance.

No one noticed his absence at first but Zilda. Two weeks passed and then they all spoke of it. Then some one in St. Armand ascertained that Gilby had had a rise in the firm in which he was employed, that he sat in an office all day and did not travel any more.

There was not a single soul, that day, who could forgive my husband for that act not even I. This time Miss Gilby left of her own accord. She shed tears when she came to say good-bye, but my mood would not melt. To slander the poor boy so and such a fine boy, too, who would forget his daily bath and food in his enthusiasm for Swadeshi.

I felt a little ashamed and replied with some sharpness: "Let her remain. I am not over anxious to send her away." And Miss Gilby remained. But one day I was told that she had been insulted by a young fellow on her way to church. This was a boy whom we were supporting. My husband turned him out of the house.

It's a bad habit I've got, but that that Tony Perrotte has got my goat and I'm through with him." "All right, Gilby. If you don't like your job you know what you can do," said Maitland coldly. "You mean I can quit?" enquired Gilby hotly. "I mean there's only one boss in these works, and that's me. And my foreman takes my orders and passes them along. Those that don't like them needn't take them."

'Hi! hi! called the voice again. 'Is any one there? Zilda went down the bank halfway among the bushes and looked over. She saw Gilby sitting at the edge of the meadow almost in the river water. She saw at once that something was wrong.