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He never took his eyes off Antinous, who had turned over, and covering his face with his hands had buried them in the bear's hairy mane. Mastor had something he wanted to say to him, but he dared not address him for the young favorite's demeanor could not be reckoned on.

The matron's warning inquiry, what had become of her favorite's high-minded calm, and her advice to restrain her weeping, lest she should appear before the public in the Amphitheater with tear-stained eyes, helped her to compose herself. The tire-woman had not finished her work when Alexander returned, and Melissa dared not turn her head for fear of disturbing her in her task.

Bute's character did not refine under the tests imposed upon it. His objectionable qualities grew more and more unpopular. The less he was liked the less he deserved to be liked. Adversity did not magnify that small soul. In his mean anger he sought for mean revenge. Every person who owed an appointment to the former ministry felt the weight of the favorite's wrath.

He had, in 1617, married the daughter of the Duke of Montbazon, and, in 1619, prevailed upon the king to have the estate of Maille raised for him to a duchy-peerage under the title of Luynes. In 1621 he procured for himself the dignity of constable, to which he had no military claim. Louis XIII. sometimes took a malicious pleasure in making fun of his favorite's cupidity and that of his following.

One of these Cossacks, Voinarovski, who had been sent by the hetman to Menshikoff, had returned with most terrifying news. He had overheard the German officers on the favorite's staff, speaking of Mazeppa and his followers, say: "God pity those poor wretches; to-morrow they will all be in chains!"

Hadrian was startled, and observing his favorite's tangled hair in which the night wind had dried the salt water, and his torn chiton, he anxiously exclaimed: "Go this instant and let Mastor dry you and anoint you. He too came back with a bruised hand and red eyes. Everything is upside clown this accursed evening. You look like a slave that has been hunted by clogs.

It was in vain this time that his anteroom was filled with people waiting for his return. Hadrian had retired to some rooms which formed part of his wife's apartments. He was in a grave mood, and when the prefect Titianus was announced he kept him waiting till, with his own hand, he had laid a fresh dressing on his favorite's burns.

Dorothea signed to her son to moderate his ecstasy, for he had seized her hand, and was pulling her away with him, but the tears that stood in her kind eyes testified how deeply she sympathized in her favorite's excitement.

Kelirieu, to compass his own Aim, seconded the Favorite's Desire with such flattering Stories, that his Master recommended to him the Care of finding out some Persons of both Sexes who were fit to bear a Part in these Festivals of Bacchus, and the Cytherean Deity. The Confident laid hold of this Opportunity at length, to gratify Lenertoula's Impatience to be introduced to the King.

He never took his eyes off Antinous, who had turned over, and covering his face with his hands had buried them in the bear's hairy mane. Mastor had something he wanted to say to him, but he dared not address him for the young favorite's demeanor could not be reckoned on.