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"Blister sure ropes an' hogties a heap of longhorn words." The justice scratched his bald poll and elucidated. "A s-sinecure, boys, is when a f-fellow rides the g-grub line habitual an' don't rope no d-dogies for his stack o' wheats an' c-coffee." He wagged a fat forefinger at Bob. "You gotta quit hellin' around now an' behave yorese'f like a respectable m-married man. You gotta dig in an' work.

"Better give them to me, Ronald." "No, w-why should I?" "Well, in your present mood " "I I'm not d-drunk, damme, I'm not, I tell you! And I'll give the f-fellow every chance honorable meeting." "Then, if he refuses to fight you, as of course he will, you'll let him go to ah make love to Cleone?" "No, by God!" cried Barrymaine in a sudden, wild fury, "I-I'll sh-shoot him first!" "Kill him?"

He turned to the landlord, stretching out his fat hands, palms upwards. "Absurd isn't it? The f-fellow must be mad!" "Mad indeed," echoed the landlord, "A miserable, tattered bradjaga, who can't even keep time. You heard yourself, Professor, how he changed the beat and threw the dancers out, every moment or so.

Dillon looked at his fat friend with a faint, dreary smile. He did not himself relish the task before him. "Thought you told me to be a wolf, to hop to it every chance I got to do some crazy thing." Blister hedged. "Oh, well, a f-fellow wants to have some sense. I never see a good thing that couldn't be r-run into the ground.

"No, see him downstairs into the street, Dig. And you needn't hurry back, I'm going to speak my mind to this f-fellow once and for all! So l-lock the street door, Dig." Mr. Smivvle hesitated, glanced at Barnabas, shrugged his shoulders and followed the bargeman out of the room.

When the music stopped, and they stood, breathless and laughing, at the dressing-room door, Ruth said: "I thought Annette told me you were just learning to dance!" "So I am," said Sandy; "but me heart never kept time for me before!" When Annette joined them she looked up at Sandy and smiled. "Poor f-fellow!" she said sympathetically. "What a perfectly horrid time you've had!"