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Long before the settlement of the whites upon this continent, the Indians had been subject to bloody and exterminating wars among themselves; and such conflicts had generally resulted in the flight of the weaker party toward the West, and the occupancy of their lands by the conquerors.

Madame hoped that if they really took permanent possession of the island, we might in some manner contrive to quit it, either through their ships and boats, or from my brother's ship, which we knew had been stationed on the South American Coast, for the purpose of exterminating the pirates, and discovering their hordes.

He ran to the curtain, and, drawing out poor Jeanne, all trembling "Oh!" said he, "Adam and Eve after the Fall. You send them away, Henri, do you not?" "Yes." "Then I will be the exterminating angel." And throwing himself between, the king and St. Luc, and waving the trumpet over the heads of the guilty couple, said

"All that, Aberdeen, only shows the necessity of exterminating these cursed presbyterians. We shall have no peace in Scotland till they are swept clean away. It is not to be endured that a King shall not rule his own kingdom as he pleases.

When General "Chinese" Gordon, for example, told him that he had refused a roomful of silver for his services in exterminating the Mongolian bandits Rhodes looked at him in surprise and said: "Why didn't you take it? What is the earthly use of having ideas if you haven't the money with which to carry them out?" Here you have the keynote of the whole Rhodes business policy.

And the Cathedral and Cloth Hall and other defenceless splendours of Ypres gave way, not the trenches. The yearners after Calais did themselves no good by exterminating fine architecture and breaking up innocent homes, but they did experience the relief of smashing something. Therein lies the psychology of the affair of Ypres, and the reason why the Ypres of history has come to a sudden close.

I gathered that there was reason for precipitancy more serious than the by-laws of the steamboat company. "I am confident," I said, "that Selby-Harrison is capable of carrying on the work of exterminating bishops." "It's not that either," said Lalage. "The fact is that we have come to Lisbon on business, not for pleasure. You've probably guessed that already." "I feared it.

The Spaniards, as will be remembered, began by exterminating the native Indian population in less than a century. There was not a branch of the administration which was not conducted under a system of corruption. The law was constantly violated by the Spaniards, and the natives deprived of their rights.

The Rev. de Willoughby Stotterbridge quoted some Old Testament text about exterminating the enemies of the Lord, and he sang the triumph of American arms, and the overwhelming superiority of American munitions.

He does talk most admired foolishness half his time, poor old boy. All the same Ludovic shouldn't show him up as he does. It's not good form. I'm afraid Ludovic's getting rather spoilt by London. He's growing altogether too finicking and elaborate. It's a pity. Lady Louisa Barking is a rather exterminating person. Her conversation is magnificently deficient in humour.