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If at any time the bowels should become unusually flatulent, and evacuations should increase in frequency, change the treatment. After this, resume treatment as first above prescribed. COLIC of whatever kind. Use A D current, pretty strong force.

When the smallness of the joints shows that the greater part of the worm has been thrown off, and that little more than the head remains, it is necessary to have recourse to the unpleasant proceeding of mixing the evacuations with water, and then straining them through muslin, in order that the doctor may by means of the microscope make out whether or no the head has been really detached.

In either case nothing will stop the cries until the pain is relieved. A baby does not shed tears until the third month. The Stools. The stools of a very young baby fed on breast-milk should be of a yellow or orange color. There should be three or four evacuations daily; they should contain no curds. Stools of bottle-fed babies are lighter in color and more offensive. Constipation.

But that women are of a hot constitution, some suppose, may be proved, first, from their smoothness, for their heat wastes all the superfluous nourishment which breeds hair; secondly from their abundance of blood, which seems to be the fountain and source of all the heat that is in the body; now this abounds so much in females, that they would be all on fire, unless relieved by frequent and sudden evacuations.

"Then you'll call off the evacuation operations, sir?" asked Strong. "Right." Walters turned to Sid. "Son, send a message back to Titan control and tell Captain Howard to stop all evacuations as soon as he has enough oxygen to provide for the citizens of Titan. And then stand by for a general order to all units in this area." "Yes, sir," said Sid, climbing back up to the radar bridge quickly.

The special features of their vegetation are best seen when substances which also contain other forms of bacteria are taken e. g., the intestinal contents or choleraic evacuations mixed with moistened earth or linen and kept damp.

We all walked to the door, and ventured to oppose the doctor's prescription, suggesting that the copious evacuations he had already experienced, might make bleeding useless, if not dangerous. "How little like a man of sense you speak," said the other; "how readily you have chimed in with the prejudices of the vulgar!

Monsieur Leiutaud has judiciously mentioned the deficiency of the quantity of blood amongst the causes of diseases, which he says is frequently evident in dissections: fevers are hence brought on by great hæmorrhages, diarrhoeas, or other evacuations; or from the continued use of diet, which contains but little nourishment; or from the exhaustion occasioned by violent fatigue, or by those chronic diseases in which the digestion is much impaired; as where the stomach has been long affected with the gout or schirrus; or in the paralysis of the liver, as described in Sect.

The Body performed its Functions, and the Passages which all the Art of the Physicians could not relax, opened of themselves, which was followed by such copious Evacuations as saved the Patient. This joyful News spread itself rather quicker than the other, so that it was as soon known at Kofir that the King was out of Danger, as that there was no Hopes of his Recovery.

With the appearance of bad weather, dysentery, which had already been observed at the time of the crossing of the Niemen, showed itself with greater severity. The route the army had taken from camp to camp was marked by offensive evacuations.