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One of these alt-Catholics, Dr. Schulte, recommended persecution as the surest means of eradicating the ancient church. “Let his twenty thousand florins be withdrawn from such a one, his twelve thousand thalers from such another; let the salaries of the bishops and chapters be suppressed, and the result will soon be manifest. The humbler clergy will rejoice.

This is the system of banianism, and of concealment, which Mr. Hastings, instead of eradicating out of the service, has propagated by example and by support, and enlarged by converting even Europeans into that dark and insidious character.

Thereupon the administration of the Kingdom threw itself with special zest upon the important task of eradicating "the ugly costumes and earlocks" of the Hasidim. Shortly afterwards the question of Jewish separatism was the subject of discussion before the Council of State.

I believe I am right when I say that the reason for the decision, some twenty years ago, to leave the church where it is, instead of selling the property and building in the West End, was that it might minister to the poor in the neighbourhood, to bring religion and hope into their lives, and to exert its influence towards eradicating the vice and misery which surround it."

It was entirely possible that reconstruction would leave the right of suffrage in such shape that in some States pro-slavery men might in time regain control. In short, the only absolute eradicating cure was a constitutional amendment; and, therefore, it was towards securing this that the President bent all his energies.

Then they embraced each other; and thus began a very stable friendship between them, which I saw with my own eyes for many days confirmed, months later, by their very intimate and fraternal intercourse. The progress in eradicating idolatry from Taitai, and the piety and constancy of its Christians.

"And another reason is that the criminal law was not originally devised for the purpose of eradicating sin which, after all, is the state into which it is said man was born but was only intended to prevent certain kinds of physical violence and lawlessness murder, highway robbery, assault, and so on.

I remember discoursing with a very charming French official on the difficulty of eradicating fetish customs. "Why not take the native in the rear, Mademoiselle," said he, "and convert the native gods?" I explained that his ingenious plan was not feasible, because you cannot convert gods. Even educating gods is hopeless work.

It was not till about the eighteenth century that the Government began to resort to the usual methods of eradicating heresy. Katharina Weigel, a lady famous for her beauty, who embraced Judaism, was decapitated in Cracow at the instigation of Bishop Peter Gamrat. But these measures proved of little avail.

In recent years the judicial authorities have done much towards putting down this practice and eradicating the loose conceptions of property with which it was connected.