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My aunt, after much demurring and another incipient attack of the hysterics, consented to entrust herself to the fat farmer's guidance, not, however, until she was assured that his horse was both blind and broken-winded. I put Mouse's bridle down on the lower bar instead of the cheek, on which he had previously been driven.

This was a knotty case, but his "honour" decided that Mike should pay his share, and, to do that fickle bridegroom justice, he paid up with very little demurring. He was clearly three cows and a half the better by his bargain, and, I believe, lives happily to this day. It is needless to say that he has numerous children. Mr.

There are more reasons for demurring to the soundness of the latter doctrine, than can conveniently be made to fill a digression here.

The hound stretched himself in the doorway, and showed his teeth as though he understood the order, and was prepared to obey without demurring. I saw a slight frown gather upon the brow of the girl, and I read her thoughts in a moment. She was asking herself if she would not have possessed more power had she been dressed in female apparel and had never sacrificed her hair.

The principle at the bottom of it, when fairly stated, is this: That the Government of the United States are bound in "good faith" to do in the District of Columbia, without demurring, just what and when, Maryland and Virginia do in their own States.

Wyse abandoned his usual neutrality with regard to social politics and left his tall malacca cane in the chemist's, so keen was his gusto, on seeing Miss Mapp on the pavement outside, to glean any fresh detail of evidence. By eleven o'clock that morning, the two duellists were universally known as "the cowards," the Padre alone demurring, and being swampingly outvoted.

I will be as careful of baby as if he were my grandson; and if he wakens I will charm him out of his wits, so that it will never occur to him to cry." Of course there was demurring, and profuse expressions of thanks and declinatures all in a breath. But Flossy was so winning, so eager, so thoroughly in earnest; and the little Mrs.

It was marked Conversational Felonies, and began thus: Arguing Blandishing Buffoonery Contradicting Demurring Ejaculating Exaggerating Facetiousness Giggling Hemming and Hawing Implying Insisting Jesting Each item also referred to another card on which the penalty was noted and legal test cases summarized. "No," he brooded, "there is nothing left."

Gascoigne, in a tone which, though demurring, betrayed the inward presence of something that favored the demand. "There are the carriage-horses already a heavy item. And remember what you ladies cost in toilet now." "I really wear nothing but two black dresses," said Mrs. Davilow, hastily. "And the younger girls, of course, require no toilet at present.

Although at first demurring to Washington's request, he finally appointed Hamilton, his greatest political rival, to be the second general in command, a man who was eager for war, and who hoped, through war, to become the leader of the nation, as well as leader of his party.