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Updated: August 8, 2024

Even this is what the great Rishis have declared." "Vaisampayana continued, 'Hearing these words of his grandfather, Yudhishthira, the delighter of the Kurus, became desirous of the end that is reserved for heroes and no longer expressed any disgust at leading a householder's mode of life.

To the citizen of that time the idea of the chief of the Olympian gods was not of a rollicking despot, angry and jovial by turns, a delighter in thunderbolts, a cloud-compeller, a reckless adulterer: he was the awful personification of the majesty of law, mighty to impose its decrees and mighty to avenge its disregarded sanctions who, brought near to the city, was worshiped as Jupiter Capitolinus, majestic as the conservator of civil and social order.

We should, concerning our author, consider whether he be not a particular enemy, or disaffected to him: whether he be not ill-humoured, or a delighter in telling bad stories; whether he be not dishonest, or unregardful of justice in his dealings and discourse; whether he be not vain, or careless of what he saith; whether he be not light or credulous, or apt to be imposed upon by any small appearance; whether, at least in the present case, he be not negligent, or too forward and rash in speaking.

While proceeding, the mighty-armed Kesava, that delighter of all the Yadavas, spoke unto Yudhishthira about the prowess of Jamadagni's son, "Yonder, at a distance, O Partha, are seen the five lakes of Rama! There Rama offered oblations of Kshatriya blood unto the manes of his ancestors.

O king of kings, O descendant of Bharata, O delighter of Kuru's race, thou wilt get back thy kingdom in the same way as Indra got his, after having killed Vritra. The vicious Nahusha, that enemy of Brahmanas, of evil mind, was overthrown by the curse of Agastya, and reduced to nothing for endless years.

Then king Yudhishthira with all his ministers, and Krishna, the delighter of the Yadus, placing Dhritarashtra in their van, went out for receiving Dhananjaya. Worshipped by them all and worshipping them in return according to due rites, the mighty-armed hero, accompanied by those princes, took rest like a ship-wrecked man tossed on the waves resting on reaching the shore.

The mighty car-warriors of the Trigartas, with dispirited hearts, fled in all directions, exceedingly afflicted by Dhananjaya with his arrows. We yield to thee. Do thou command us, O Partha. Lo, we wait here as the most docile of thy servants. O delighter of the Kurus, we shall execute all thy commands."

Shalya and Yudhishthira, both endued with great prowess in battle, mangled each other, like a couple of tigers fighting for a piece of meat. Bhima was engaged with thy son, that delighter in battle. In consequence of thy evil policy, O king, there again occurred in that spot an awful battle between thy warriors and those of the foe, all of whom were inspired with the desire of victory.

A keen trader, scout, and enthusiast of the West, known to and knowing the men of those parts, and able to bend the undercurrents a delighter in danger, with a boy's zest for intrigue, risk, and daring an uncomplex mind, little troubled by theories of political obligation, political faith and unfaith, loyalty to government or its reverse a being born to adventure, but to adventure under guidance, skilled and gay subaltern to some graver, abler leader that, he thought, would be Adam Gaudylock.

And beholding Sugriva dragged away by the Rakshasa, the heroic son of Sumitra, that delighter of his friends, rushed towards Kumbhakarna. And that slayer of hostile heroes, Lakshmana, advancing towards Kumbhakarna, discharged at him an impetuous and mighty arrow furnished with golden wings.

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