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As these journals contained many things not intended for the public eye concerning the Mormon leaders and all I knew of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, and what led to it, they were never returned to me. To proceed: I was at Far West when the Danites returned. They brought Capt. Patton with them. He died that night, and his death spread a mantle of gloom over the entire community.

"I am Joe Smith," was the reply. "What! the leader of the Danites?" asked Simpson. "You are correct," said Smith, for he it was. "Yes," said Simpson, "I know you now; you are a spying scoundrel."

At dawn Lamington and his Danites came splashing through the creek, and Grainger was aroused by a loud "Hallo!" as the swarthy-faced Inspector cantered up to the tent and dismounted. "Well, here you are, Grainger. I know all that has happened.

To this I replied that I hoped my blessings would be different from those I had been receiving. He replied: "Jesus has said, In this world you shall have tribulation, but in Me you shall have peace that is, if you bear these things patiently, without murmuring." While my mind is running in that direction let me tell of certain of the doings of the Danites.

Like the Danites' messengers, I'm only spying out the lie of the land. Ah, each brother occupied a corner of the east wing. Robert, north, Hilton, south a most equitable arrangement. Now these rooms show signs of tenancy, eh?" They were standing in Hilton Fenley's sitting-room, having traversed the whole of the gallery around the hall to reach it.

The Prophet then called Brother Dunham and had some private talk with him, and then started for the jail at Carthage. Dunham said that the Prophet requested him to take his Danites and ambush them in a grove near Carthage, and watch the movements of the crowd; but Dunham dared not go contrary to the orders of the Governor.

The Danites admitted, they had taught their children out of the books of the Amorites, which they had hidden then under Mount Abarim, where Kenaz actually found them. The Naphtalites confessed to the same transgression, only they had concealed the books in the tent of Elah, and there they were found by Kenaz.

He roused himself almost fiercely. "But he loved my Jean, Nat he loved her as I loved her and he was a good man!", he whispered shrilly. "Quick quick I must tell you they had tried to escape from Missouri and the Danites killed him, and Joseph Smith wanted Jean and at the last moment she killed herself to save her honor as Marion was going to do, and she left two children "

He was dead a purple spot on his forehead showing where the fatal bullet had entered his brain! The sisters had just time to shelter themselves behind the rocks when a volley from the Danites was poured upon us. Their shots fell harmlessly around; while ours, fired in return, had been better aimed; and another of these fearful men, dropping out of his saddle, yielded up his life upon the spot.

Almost a half century ago, being in 1857, John Doyle Lee, a chief among that red brotherhood, the Danites, was ordered by Brigham Young and the leading counselors of the Mormon Church to take his men and murder a party of emigrants then on their way through Utah to California.