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Updated: August 6, 2024

CANADA as part of British dominions, Cilicia, Civilization, evolution of, Clemenceau, M., and the military guarantees question, and the Paris Conference, and the reparations clause, as destroyer, communicates Poincaré's letter to Lloyd George, fall of, his hatred of the Germans, on peace treaties, replies to Lloyd George's note, Coal fields, Germany's pre-war, Colonial rights, and the Versailles Treaty, Colonies, British, German pre-war, Germany loses her, Commune, the French, Communist system, Russian, failure of, Constantine, King of Greece, return of, Constantinople, retained by the Turks, Russia's desire for, subject to international control, the Treaty of Sèvres and, Croatia and Fiume, Cyrenaica, Czeko-Slovakia, State of, added population of, army of, financial position of, Magyars in

If Mary accepted the latter alternative he would at once cancel their deed of agreement, but even then he was very willing to stay on for a time in Cyrenaica, and put the new steward, when she had appointed one, in the way of performing his onerous duties. After that he would have nothing more to do with the family estates.

Regiones atque gentes in quas divisa fuit quondam, sunt, Agyptus, Cyrenaica, Africa Minor, seu proprie dicta, Troglodyta, Garamantes, Numidia, Mauritania, Gaetulia, Libya interior, Arabia Troglodytica et Athiopia. Agyptus. Prima Africa Asiaque proxima est Agyptus, quam veteres Geographi in Asia regionibus computarunt.

The letters were on business, relating to his departure from Cyrenaica and his purpose of managing his own estates for the future, and when they lay before him, finished, rolled up and sealed, he felt that he had come to a mile-stone on his road, a landmark in his life.

Since the Israelites had risen in several provinces particularly in Cyrenaica and Cyprus and had fallen with cruel fury on their fellow-inhabitants who were their oppressors, the suspicion and aversion of the Alexandrians of other beliefs had grown more intense than in former times.

Afrike the lesse is in this wise bounded: On the West it hath Numidia; On the East Cyrenaica: On the North, the sea called Mediterraneum. In this countrey was the noble city of Carthage. In the East side of Afrike beneath the red sea, dwelleth the great and mighty Emperour and Christian king Prester Iohn, well knowen to the Portugales in their voyages to Calicut.

The peasants who tilled the earth by the Upper and Lower Nile, the shepherds who kept their flocks in the Arabian desert, in Syria, or on the Silphium meads of Cyrenaica, the wood-cutters of Lebanon and Pontus, the mountaineers of Hispania and Sardinia, the brokers, merchants, and skippers of every port on the Mediterranean, were bound by these threads to the villa on the shore of Mareotis, and felt the tie when the master there docile as a boy to his mother's will tightened or released his hold.

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