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To Cissy, to Mary, whichever it was, she found her curiosity going out with a rush, a mute effusion that floated back to her, like a returning tide, the living colour and splendour of the beautiful head, the light of eyes that seemed to reflect such utterly other things than the mean things actually before them; and, above all, the high curt consideration of a manner that even at bad moments was a magnificent habit and of the very essence of the innumerable things her beauty, her birth, her father and mother, her cousins and all her ancestors that its possessor couldn't have got rid of even had she wished.

Then, after finding a stamp in a pocket of his waistcoat under his jersey, he put it in his mouth and lost it there for a long time. Finally Denry got the receipt, certifying that he was the owner of the lifeboat formerly known as Llandudno, but momentarily without a name, together with all her gear and sails. "Are ye going to live in her?" the rather curt John inquired. "Not in her.

Her Majesty's Government would do all in their power to avoid it. I presumed I might give them the assurance that the Imperial Government were not decided to reject the notion of a Conference. Well, Sir, this received a curt and unsatisfactory reply. Nothing could be obtained from the plaintive appeal of Lord Cowley. Well, what did Her Majesty's Government do?

Among the translatable words of the French language, among the expressive terms which cannot be rendered by equally significant expressions in our own more copious tongue, among the phraseology invented to convey ideas which the phrases themselves certainly do not suggest, the common application of this curt little word "chiffons" holds a distinguished place.

He did this with the deliberation of one who knew beyond all question. He had brought months of hardship and exposure in his pocket. By swamp and hill, valley and lake and rapid he had journeyed alone in search of the gray, heavy, shiny rock of which Clark had, months before, given him a fragment, with curt orders to seek the like.

Having indulged himself in these delightful extravagances, Symes was suddenly recalled one morning to a realization of the fact that earthly paradises end by a curt notification from his bank that he had overdrawn his account. This was awkward. It was particularly awkward to Symes because he had no assets.

The soldier-lord's manner was courteously military that of an established superior indifferent to the deferential attitude he must needs enact. His curt nick of the head, for a response to the visitor's formal salutation, signified the requisite acknowledgment, like a city creditor's busy stroke of the type-stamp receipt upon payment.

The conversation was brief. "Take us to the vaults," said one of the German officers. "To the vaults?" said the principal official of the bank. "To the vaults," was the curt reply. "I am not the vault keeper. We shall have to send for him." The bank official was most courteous, quite bland, indeed. The officer scowled, but there was nothing to do but wait. The vault keeper was sent for.

Lady Caroline interrupted with the curt information that her mother was alive and in London. Costanza praised God and the saints that the young lady did not yet know what it was like to be without a mother. Quickly enough did misfortunes overtake one; no doubt the young lady already had a husband. "No," said Lady Caroline icily. Worse than jokes in the morning did she hate the idea of husbands.

The message had been intended to be curt and uncourteous, but Miss Macnulty had softened it, so that no harm was done. "She must be very weary," said Frank. "I suppose though that nothing would ever really tire Lady Eustace," said Miss Macnulty. "When she is excited nothing will tire her. Perhaps the journey has been dull."