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It is, perhaps, just as well to give here a word of caution. Rotating of course means a planet's turning on its own axis, revolving means its course in its orbit round the sun. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and all their moons, as well as Saturn himself, rotate on their axes in this one direction counter-clockwise and revolve in the same direction as they rotate.

Little Fuzzy followed him outside, pointing around the living hut to the left. The rest of the family stayed indoors. Stepping out about twenty feet, he started around counter-clockwise. There was no damnthing on the north side, and he was about to go around to the east side when Little Fuzzy came dashing past him, pointing to the rear.

When the washers are issued, however, the port-wine rule is abandoned; and the washers are despatched to you, in defiance of all the laws of superstition and tradition, "widdershins," or counter-clockwise. No wonder articles thus jeopardised often fail to reach their destination!

They were at one moment spinning strobe lights and at another time like twirling maelstroms of dirt and trash flicking clockwise or counter-clockwise according to the caprice of winds. Each time she tried to ground herself within an idea, a thought, a memory of her life, it was futile. The winds would not allow it.

So far in dealing with all the planets and moons in the solar system we have made no remark on the way they rotate or revolve, because they all go in the same direction, and that direction is called counter-clockwise, which means that if you stand facing a clock and turn your hand slowly round the opposite direction to that in which the hands go, you will be turning it in the same way that the earth rotates on its axis and revolves in its orbit.

It will be observed from the accompanying illustration that the dial on the extreme right has the figures reading in a clockwise direction, that is, from right to left, the second one in a counter-clockwise direction, or from left to right, the third one in a clockwise direction, and the fourth one in a counter-clockwise direction; also that above each dial is indicated in figures the number of kilowatt-hours that one complete revolution of the hand of that dial registers.

When the above-mentioned upper roller descends, due to a decrease in the thickness of the strick, the oblique rod and its fulcrum is moved slightly counter-clockwise, and less oil is liberated for the thin part of the strick. It will be understood that all makers of softening machines supply the automatic lubricating or batching apparatus when desired.

He rotates in this extraordinary position, in the same manner as Uranus namely, the other way over from all the other planets, but he revolves, as they all do, counter-clockwise. Seen from Neptune the sun can only appear about as large as Venus appears to us at her best, and the light and heat received are but one nine-hundreth part of what he sends us.

Oliver concentrated. Air. He reached back and grabbed the blower valve, twisting it counter-clockwise. Almost immediately, the blue flame lowered. He continued opening the valve. The flame pirouetted irregularly down an invisible column, drawn toward the furnace. "Air," he shouted. "Not enough air until it got way the hell up there." "Keep going," George said.