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Updated: August 18, 2024

He therefore doubting now, least if the king continued long in the estate, he would remooue the great beame that then greeued his eies, and pricked his conscience, became an instrument to search out the minds of the nobilitie, and to bring them to an assemblie and councell, where they might consult and commen togither, how to bring that to effect, which they earnestlie wished and desired; that was, the destruction of king Henrie, and the restoring of king Richard.

The German galloped into sight, around the turn of the road, his rifle laid across his saddle. He came on rapidly, pulled up, and dismounted at the ditch. "Dey're commen," he cried, trembling with excitement. "I watch um long dime bei der side oaf der roadt in der busches. Dey shtop bei der gate oder side der relroadt trecks and talk long dime mit one n'udder. Den dey gome on.

And by the report of Hector Boetius, some of them were not ignorant of the immortalitie of the one and euerlasting God. Scoti. li. 2. De migr. gen. lib. 2. And herevpon it commeth also to passe, that the British toong hath in it remaining at this day some smacke of the Gréeke. Annius in commen. super eundem. Ant. Cant li. 1. script. Britan. cent. 1. Nonnius. Marcel. Strabo. Diodor. Sicul. lib. 6.

For the bringing whereof to speedie effect, he sent this Richard vnto king Lewes, and to his other sonne Henrie, to commen with them of peace, at which time earle Richard did so effectuallie his message, that he brought them both in good forwardnesse to agree to his fathers purpose, so that there was a daie appointed for them to meet with their father, betwixt Towres in Touraine and Ambois. Dor.

He says: "While I spend almost all the day abroad amongst others, and the residue at home among mine own, I leave to myself, I mean to my book, no time. For when I come home, I must commen with my wife, chatter with my children, and talk with my servants.

Votum pro pace, p. 724. Anim. in anim. p. 642. Votum pro pace, p. 681. Tillem. t. 2. p. 158. Ep. 318. p. 113. Ep. 357. p. 124. Tillemont, t. 2. n. 13. p. 567. Ep. 391. p. 866. Fabric. Bib. Græc. l. 4. p. 174. tom. 3. Commen. ad loca de Antichrist. Anim. in anim. p. 649. Commen. ad loca de Antichrist. Via ad pacem, p. 617. Votum pro pace, p. 750. Matt. xix. 12. 1 Cor. vii. Votum pro pace, p. 682.

Of Samothes, Magus, Sarron, Druis, and Bardus, fiue kings succeeding each other in regiment ouer the Celts and Samotheans, and how manie hundred yeeres the Celts inhabited this Iland. Bale Script. Brit. cent. Cant. cent. lib. Annius in commen. super eundem.

When thou shouldest perceive, that there were in thine armie some, that used to advertise thy enemie of thy devises, thou canst not doe better, myndynge to take commoditie by their traiterous mindes, then to commen with them of those thynges, that thou wilte not doe, and those that thou wilt doe, to kepe secret, and to say to doubte of thynges, that thou doubtest not, and those of whiche thou doubtest, to hide: the which shall make thenemie to take some enterprise in hand, beleving to know thy devises, where by easly thou maiest beguile and opresse hym.

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