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It was so much better and larger than their present dwelling, that their furniture would have shown to great disadvantage in it. But Mrs. Clifton had foreseen this, and they found the house already furnished for their reception. Through Mrs. Clifton's influence the cooper was enabled to establish himself in business on a larger scale, and employ others, instead of working himself, for hire.

Clifton, "and I will come too, sometimes." "Thank you," said Peg. They left the prison behind them, and returned home. "Mr. Somerville is in the drawing-room," said the servant. "He wishes to see you." Mrs. Clifton's face flushed. "I will go down," she said. "Ida, you will remain here." She descended to the drawing-room, and met the man who had injured her.

"Here's Clif got home sooner than he expected to, and Jacob, he's reading a sermon by himself because the minister didn't come, and so we came away. This is Clif." The smile which had greeted Ben went out of Katie's eyes, and surprise and a little offence took its place, as she met Clifton's look.

Clifton's duties is to direct the clearing of wood preparatory to the formation of the camp, as in Miss Angus's crystal picture. The sceptical Mrs. Cockburn heard of these coincidences, and an idea occurred to her. She wrote to her daughter, who has been mentioned, and asked whether, on Wednesday, February 2, she had been lying on a sofa in her bed-room, with bare feet.

Clifton's pecuniary affairs came to a crisis some months afterwards. He had always been in the habit of laughing at Miss Peyton; but in his strait he recollected that she was mistress of a few thousand dollars over which she had absolute control. Under these circumstances he decided to sacrifice himself. He accordingly offered his heart and hand, and was promptly accepted.