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Althea had returned to Alexandria, and Philotas, who disliked her, had gone there himself, as Chrysilla intimated to him that he could hope for no success in his suit to her ward so long as Daphne had to devote herself to the care of the blinded Hermon. The epistrategus proceeded with great caution, but his efforts also remained futile.

Again the light tremour ran through him, but it lasted only an instant; for Chrysilla, the representative of the dead mistress of the house, whose duty it was to assign the guests their places, called to Hermon, "The beautiful Glycera does you the honour of choosing you for a neighbour" and, before the sentence was finished, Archias himself seized his arm and led him to the cushions at the side of the much- courted beauty.

Althea had returned to Alexandria, and Philotas, who disliked her, had gone there himself, as Chrysilla intimated to him that he could hope for no success in his suit to her ward so long as Daphne had to devote herself to the care of the blinded Hermon. The epistrategus proceeded with great caution, but his efforts also remained futile.

Philotas and Myrtilus were following Daphne and her companion Chrysilla as they hurried into the tent.

On account of her favourite Philotas, it was well for Daphne to be aware that she was watched. Chrysilla was acquainted with life, and knew that Eros never mingles more arbitrarily in the intercourse of a young couple than when, after a long separation, there is anything whatever to forgive.

Chrysilla would accompany her, but she could leave her father alone in Pergamus a few months without anxiety, for he had a second son there in his nephew Myrtilus, and had found a kind friend in Philetaerus, the ruler of the country. From this time Hermon daily urged Erasistratus to grant him entire liberty, but the leech steadfastly refused, though he knew whither his young friend longed to go.

"Why, Daphne," interrupted Chrysilla, raising herself from her cushions in alarm, "must I remind you of the moderation which distinguishes the Greeks from the barbarians, and especially the Hellenic woman " Here Daphne indignantly broke in: "Whoever practises moderation in the conflict against vice has already gone halfway over to evil.

While the others were still feasting there, Daphne was enjoying an hour alone with her companion Chrysilla. She had remained absent from Philippus's banquet, and her pale cheeks showed the ill effects produced by the excitement of the previous night. A little before noon Hermon came to see her. He, too, had not gone to the Pelusinian's breakfast.

Philotas and Myrtilus were following Daphne and her companion Chrysilla as they hurried into the tent.

Even the Biamite's keen ear could not catch the reply and the purport of the rapid conversation which followed; but she guessed the point in question when the young men who were present rose hastily, rushed toward the pedestal, loosed the wreaths from their heads, and offered them to the Greek girl whom Chrysilla had just called "beautiful Althea."