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"Of your good name!" for Eugenie forgot that it was looks, not words, that had so wrung her pride "Your good name," he repeated: and glancing round the room the toilette, the curtain, the recess he had quitted all that bespoke that chastest sanctuary of a chaste woman, which for a stranger to enter is, as it were, to profane her meaning broke on him. "Your good name your hireling! No, madame, no!"

The chastest ear could drink in no startling sound; the most serious believer never had his bosom ruffled by one sceptical or reckless assertion. Coleridge was eminently simple in his manner.

And again, still more strongly, Fielding claims the merit of purity and moral effect for "Tom Jones," "I hope my reader will be convinced, at his very entrance on this work, that he will find, in the whole course of it, nothing prejudicial to the cause of religion and virtue; nothing inconsistent with the strictest rules of decency, nor which can offend the chastest eye in the perusal.

"Of your good name!" for Eugenie forgot that it was looks, not words, that had so wrung her pride "Your good name," he repeated: and glancing round the room the toilette, the curtain, the recess he had quitted all that bespoke that chastest sanctuary of a chaste woman, which for a stranger to enter is, as it were, to profane her meaning broke on him. "Your good name your hireling! No, madame, no!"

O brothers in Christ, who hear this tale, remember ye that, for now four months and more, the cleanest soul in Christenty, and the chastest lady, and of manners the noblest, had endured this company by night and by day! "Nay, wake up," I cried; "ye are dull revellers; what say ye to the dice?" Therewith I set out my tablier and the dice.

And yet this passion is indisputably sexual passion, and the chastest of lovers has bodily proof that the most spiritual of his kisses is allied to the supreme embrace of love. Our body is the instrument by which all our emotions are expressed. The most obvious way of expressing affection is by bodily contact.

Days afterwards nay, even now, when I bring it up vividly before my mind's eye it seemed to lie upon the floor of my heart, polluting my moral being with the sense of something grievously amiss in the entire conditions of humanity. The holiest man could not be otherwise than full of wickedness, the chastest virgin seemed impure, in a world where such a babe was possible.