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It was used as a laxative, and on account of the constipating effect of an acorn diet, was doubtless in active demand. So highly was it esteemed by the followers of the Cross that it was christened Cascara Sagrada, or Sacred Bark.

For a discussion of this fallacy I refer you to the chapter on milk. Do not give the little ones any kinds of medicines. They always do harm and never any good. If any exception is made to this, it is in the line of laxatives or mild cathartics, such as small doses of castor oil, cascara segrada or mineral waters, but there is no excuse for giving metallic remedies, such as calomel.

Surtaine as a shabby, anxious-looking man ambled forward. "We're having trouble with that last lot of cascara, sir," said he lugubriously. "In the Number Four?" "Yes, sir. It don't seem to have any strength." "Substitute senna." So offhand was the tone that it sounded like a suggestion rather than an order. As the latter, however, the chemist contentedly took it.

If they do not light upon the original companion of little frogs they will take the next best and cherish it accordingly. I find five unrelated species loved by that name, and as many more and as inappropriately called cowslips. By every mesa spring one may expect to find a single shrub of the buckthorn, called of old time Cascara sagrada the sacred bark.

Laxatives in some form are generally indicated, and one of tile best is agar- agar. Of course aloin and cascara are always good laxatives, with an occasional dose of calomel or saline, if such seem indicated.

If they do not light upon the original companion of little frogs they will take the next best and cherish it accordingly. I find five unrelated species loved by that name, and as many more and as inappropriately called cowslips. By every mesa spring one may expect to find a single shrub of the buckthorn, called of old time Cascara sagrada the sacred bark.

Quietly he read, restraining himself, the first column and, yielding but resisting, began the second. Midway, his last resistance yielding, he allowed his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he read, reading still patiently that slight constipation of yesterday quite gone. Hope it's not too big bring on piles again. No, just right. So. Ah! Costive. One tabloid of cascara sagrada.

"It's no use your losing your temper or arguing with me or doing anything except letting me go my own way, because that's what I intend to do." Aunt Helen half rose in her chair upon an impulse to protect her brother against Mark's violence. "And you can't cure me with Gregory Powder," he said. "Nor with Senna nor with Licorice nor even with Cascara."

Mingled with these bushes were the Cascara Segrada, bright-leafed maples, and the brilliantly colored stems and vividly green leaves of the Manzanitas, some in full bloom, some in berries set. The graceful red bud, found in luxuriant growth in Lake County, was also here. Likewise the elders, with their heavy clusters of yellow blossoms.

"Lord! there's no end of things no end of little things. Dill-water all the suffering babes yowling for it. Eucalyptus again cascara witch hazel menthol all the toothache things. Then there's antiseptics, and curare, cocaine...." "Rather a nuisance to the doctors," I reflected. "They got to look out for themselves. By Jove, yes. They'll do you if they can, and you do them. Like brigands.