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I have more than Newport's suspicions upon this curious point; my personal observations and experiments are absolutely convincing. I will relate them as the first phase of the history of the Bee-louse. They date back to the 23rd of May, 1858. A vertical bank on the road from Carpentras to Bédoin is this time the scene of my observations.

In those troublous times, when education was of no account, it often happened that his teacher's salary was several months in arrears, and the city of Carpentras, "not being in funds," paid it only by instalments, and even so kept him a long time waiting. "One has to besiege the paymaster's door merely to obtain a trifle on account.

Her picture "Under the Apple-Tree" is in the Museum at Lausanne; the "Little Girls" or "The Sisters" and the "Child Dreamer" exhibited at Salon, 1902 are in the Gallery of the Luxembourg; the "Gamins," in the Museum at Carpentras; the "Tea Party," at the Ministry of the Interior, Paris. At the Salon of 1902 Mlle.

One was M. de Montauban, who had the title of Comte de la Tour du Pin, gentleman to the dauphin; the other, M. Dastier de Carpentras, an old officer who had his cross of St. Louis in his pocket, because he could not display it.

It is a revel of luxurious bad taste; a Cathedral in Provence, a Cathedral by the Sea, but neither Provençal nor Maritime, rather a product of that Italian taste which has so profoundly vitiated both the morals and the architecture of all the Riviera. Carpentras is a busy provincial town, the terminus of three diminutive railroads and of many little, lumbering, dust-covered stages.

"My son," replied the prodigal parent, "if I had been an ordinary father and had stayed by my family and brought up a houseful of children in obscurity, do you suppose you would have been where you are now?" At this Thiers laughed, and gave his father a post-mastership in a small town in the South of France called Carpentras.

It was not till sixteen years after his death that Alexander Scott of Carpentras, one of his pupils, collected his works. At Valence died and was buried the unfortunate Pope Pius VI. who had been treated with great harshness, and had been loaded with insults by the French. His was, indeed, a strange story.