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I soon remembered, though, that our friends the Canitaurs would have gotten some notions in their heads of a battle, at your arrival. It must be a grand sight in any case, and not one to miss."

"All you have to do is join us, the Futurists, and we will reward you with all the power and glory that you can imagine." At that I sobered up and replied, "But what of Onan, of my quest to stop the doom of humanity from materializing in this final juncture. He is the one who sent me, and he is the Lord of the Past, whom the Canitaurs follow.

Still, I am greatly afraid for your life Jehu, especially so after what I discovered just hours ago in the classified archives of the Canitaurs: there was strong evidence that the process simply disintegrated those upon whom it was tried, instead of sending them through time.

You may have escaped, but your brethren are doomed, and you yourselves will not last long around enemies without the protection of the other Canitaurs." But my rebuke only seemed to make their laughter and mirth more hearty, and they raged on without ceasing for a time.

"You're starting to sound like a philosopher," he laughed. "And you a psychologist," I rejoined. "And where would that place us on the scale of artificial intelligence," Bernibus jested. "Following the footsteps of Jeroboam," I returned. "Hmm? "Oh, nothing. Tell me," I asked more solemnly, "What position does Wagner hold among the Canitaurs?"

At that moment I was embittered against both the Zards and the Canitaurs for their selfishness and their pretensions of morality. There is no morality where one sees another starving and suffering and does not help, when one sees a whole race of people living on a land where nothing but sorrows dwell, but will not let them share the wealth that was given one by no doing of oneself.

The defile, or narrow passage, led to a great abyss, crossable only by a drawbridge controlled on the other side, which was at this time lowered and ready for us to cross, which we did, accompanied by four honor guards who were dressed in all the pomp and pleasantry known by the Canitaurs.

Bernibus and myself were partners, for we had become close friends in the few days that I had spent among the Canitaurs, while Wagner was once again the leading guide and Taurus the rearguard.

"It sounds daring, certainly," I said, "But is it not overly so? I was under the impression that the Zards were much superior in force than the Canitaurs." "In the southern regions, where you landed, yes, they are, but we rule the northern sphere of action.

Ever since the prophecy was given we have been preparing for a strike that will catch the Zards and Canitaurs by surprise, for those are our only advantages: time and surprise.