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Updated: August 28, 2024

In April, 1600, the Dutch vessel anchored in the harbor of Bungo, and the crew were cordially received by the people. But they found formidable enemies in the Portuguese and Spaniards of Nagasaki, who assailed them with the most unjust aspersions, and endeavored in every way to turn the prejudices of the Japanese against them.

"Not a moment to be lost, Robin," said Sam Shipton hurriedly, as he led the way back to the tavern, where old Meerta and blind Bungo, aided by Letta, had already cleared away all evidence of the late feast, leaving only three tin cups and three pewter plates on the table, with viands appropriate thereto. "Ha! you're a knowing old lady," exclaimed Sam, "you understand how to help us, I see."

For this Will Adams was a Kentish man, who had "serued for Master and Pilott in her Majesties ships ..." The Dutch vessel was seized immediately upon her arrival at Kyushu; and Adams and his shipmates were taken into custody by the daimyo of Bungo, who reported the fact to Iyeyasu.

In Kyushu, the Otomo espoused the cause of the Northern Court, and made themselves masters of Buzen, Bungo, Chikuzen, Chikugo, Hizen, and Higo. In 1396, the head of the family Chikayo held the office of tandai of Kyushu. He escaped disaster by obtaining succour from Hideyoshi, but the Otomo domain was reduced to the single province of Bungo.

He is much esteemed by the king of Bungo. The letter of the king of Bungo to Father Xavier. In what equipage he goes to the court of Bungo. His entry into the palace of the king of Bungo. He receives the compliments of several persons in the court. He is introduced to an audience of the king of Bungo, and what passes in it. What passes betwixt the king of Bungo and Xavier.

Having done to the saint all the civilities which are practised to the greatest of Japan, he told him, "that this day was the most solemn and auspicious of all the year for the court of Bungo; and that his lord the king esteemed himself more rich and happy to have him in his palace, than if he were master of all the silver contained in the two-and-thirty treasuries of China.

He halted for a time in the province of Suwo, and finally, in March, 1185, five months after moving out of Harima, he contrived to transfer the main part of his force across Shimonoseki Strait and to marshall them in Bungo in the north of Kyushu. Evidently, in such conditions, no advance into Kyushu could be made by Noriyori without inviting capital risks.

When the fighting ended, the Satsuma baron had pushed into Bungo and taken sixteen forts there, so that fully one-half of Kyushu was now under the sway of the Shimazu.

The second question of Fucarandono, to which the Father answers with the same success as to the former. The sequel of the dispute betwixt Xavier and Fucarandono. The honour which the king of Bungo does to Xavier. The Bonzas present a writing to the king, but without effect. They wrangle about the signification of words. They dispute in the nature of school-divines.

This procedure seems to have weighed cogently with Otomo, who was keenly desirous of attracting foreign traders and obtaining from them not only wealth but also novel and effective weapons of war. Xavier remained four months in Bungo and then set sail for Goa in February, 1552. He died in December of the same year, and thus his intention of returning to Japan was defeated.

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