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We stood on the pavement, before Elemental Man calling on Elemental Powers to condemn and incinerate Creation. 'Well, hadn't we better be getting back? said the Agent-General. 'Look out! I remarked casually. 'Those bonnet-boxes are full of bees still! 'Are they? said the livid Mr. Lingnam, and tilted them over with the late Mr. Bellamy's large boots.

She assisted in the packing of her portmanteaus, and hopelessly bewildered her maid by stuffing silk dresses into her bonnet-boxes and satin shoes into her dressing-case.

Trunks, bonnet-boxes, muff-boxes and parasols, guitar-cases, and parcels of all imaginable shapes, done up in brown paper, and fastened with pins, filled the passage.

The prim and spotless bedroom, with its chest of drawers, its small glass, its three-cornered wardrobe, its narrow washstand, its odd bonnet-boxes, its trunk, its skirts hung inside-out behind the door, its Bible with the spectacle-case on it, its texts, its miniature portraits, its samplers, framed in maple, and its engraving of the infant John Wesley being saved from the fire at Epworth Vicarage, framed in gold, was eloquent of the habits of the woman who had used it, without ambition, without repining, and without hope, save an everlasting hope, for more than fifty years.

There was much bitterness in these words; but the orphan of the ruined gentleman said them with such calm, such peace of mind, that every string of Czipra's heart was relaxed as when a damp mist affects the strings of a harp. Meanwhile they had brought Melanie's travelling-trunk: there was only one, and no bonnet-boxes almost incredible!