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Updated: August 20, 2024

"I liked him well enough, but it ain't any use talkin' about folks that's moved away, or dead." "Do you feel that way, Andy? Now I don't feel so." Uncle William's gaze was following a floating cloud. "I feel as if they was kind o' near us; not touching close, but round somewheres. Now, I wouldn't really say Benjy Bodet was in that cloud " Andy stared at it suspiciously.

"Now, that's good. He's finished up five on 'em." "Five what?" "Picters," responded Uncle William, spelling it out slowly. "There's one of my house," lofty pride held the voice, "and one of the cove down below, and two up by the end of old Bodet place, and one on the hill, this side of your place. Now, that's quite a nice lot, ain't it?" "What's he going to do with 'em," asked Andy.

He had bought three of the pictures the one of Uncle William's house and the two of the old Bodet place. "Did you know it?" demanded the artist. He was facing Uncle William in the boat as they rowed home. "I didn't know it," said Uncle William, with a long, easy pull, "but I reckoned suthin' 'd be along putty soon. If it hadn't come to-day, I was goin' to make Andy give us enough to begin on."

Any bottom will drift." The man laughed out. "So it will." He took up his hat. "I must go and look up a place to stay," he said. Uncle William looked at him sternly. "Not a step. You don't stir a step, Benjy Bodet." He pointed to the red lounge. The Frenchman paused, irresolute. "I'm going to stay some time, you know." He glanced about the little room. "I shall be in the way."

He stood up, holding out his hand. "I thought you would know me." Uncle William took it slowly. He studied the thin, keen face. "Benjy Bodet," he said. "I'd know you much as you've changed I'd know you! Set right down and tell me all about it." "All?" said the man. He laughed again, looking contentedly about the room. "It will take some time."

Uncle William looked at the one in his hand. "I wheeled them over from the Bodet cellar-place. The' 's quite a pile left there yet." "They all good?" "Putty good." Uncle William was working thoughtfully. "We've set by them bricks a good many times, Andy." "Yep." "You remember the things she used to give us to eat?" Andy swung about. "Who give us?" "Old Mis' Bodet." Andy's eye lighted. "So she did.

I can't fight you for that." He leaned forward. "Who lived this side of Gunnion's when you were a boy?" he asked. Uncle William paused. He looked again at the face with its lifted eyebrows and pointed beard. He shook his head. A light grew in his face slowly he started forward. "Not Bodet?" he said eagerly. "Not little Benjy Bodet?" He stared again. The man laughed musically. "Right."

Mathieu Bodet, Barrister at the Court of Cassation. De Maupas, Prefect of Police. Mesnard, President of the Chamber of the Court of Cassation. Joseph Périer, Governor of the Bank. Portalis, First President of the Court of Cassation. General de Préval. General Randon, ex-Minister, Governor-General of Algeria. General Rogé. De Royer, ex-Minister, Attorney-General at the Court of Appeal of Paris.

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