United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The home of Hugh Mainwaring was one of many palatial suburban residences situated on a beautiful avenue running in a northerly direction from the city, but it had not been for so many years in his possession without acquiring some of the characteristics of its owner, which gave it an individuality quite distinct from its elegant neighbors.

Melrose nodded, and Thyrza mounted a chair, and proceeded to put up the curtains, turning an observant eye now and then on the thin-faced lady sitting on the sofa, her long fingers clasped round her knees, and her eyes so large and staring as to be rather ugly than beautiful in Thyrza's opinion wandering absently round the room. "It's a clashy day," Thyrza ventured at last.

"My dear, it is done by every one; and women who are beautiful as you are ought not to mind being admired." "But I prefer being admired by my friends only, and by those of my own class. I have no ambition to expose myself, even in effigy, in a shop window for the edification of street boys and city clerks." "Well, you can't help your name having been in Vanity Fair this week!"

This mistaken arrangement was the cause of two evils: firstly, the master of the house, lying on his bed, could hear all night long the beautiful waltzes and mazurkas to which his wife was dancing; secondly, being obliged to pass through the gypsies on his way from the ball-room to his bedroom, he came in for so many expressions of gratitude on their part that his quiet retirement gave rise to a most striking uproar, disagreeable alike to himself, to his wife, and his guests.

His competence was afterwards attacked, and it emerged triumphant, exactly as his perfect charity and humility and amenity, and his long inward loneliness, of half a century, did. It was very extraordinary, and of all the stories I know is I think the most beautiful so far at least as he was concerned!

Passing through a miniature forest he came presently upon a tiny area of flowerstudded sward and at the same time beheld before him the first Ho-don female he had seen since entering the palace. A young and beautiful woman stood in the center of the little open space, stroking the head of a bird which she held against her golden breastplate with one hand.

Philip had the habit of looking at people's hands, and Athelny's astonished him: they were very small, with long, tapering fingers and beautiful, rosy finger-nails; they were very smooth and except for the jaundice would have been of a surprising whiteness.

The fire on the floor was nearly out, but she rained sticks on to it, blew up the great central log, which is the backbone, into a blaze, and soon the smoke was pouring into our eyes and filtering up amongst the hams in the roof. We were drinking a splendid café au lait when an old woman peered in at the door. "Very beautiful Jabooka," she said. We agreed heartily. "Not dear either," she said.

the juniper-tree. and now only one, Kywitt, Kywitt, what a beautiful bird am I! then he looked up and the last one had left off work. 'Bird, he said, 'what a beautiful song that is you sing! Let me hear it too; sing it again. 'Nay, answered the bird, 'I do not sing twice for nothing; give me that millstone, and I will sing it again.

The island contains seventeen acres, and it stands on such a rise of ground, that every buildin' on the Fair ground can be seen plain. In the centre of the south end wuz the rose garden, where the choicest and most beautiful roses from all over the world bloom in their glowin' richness.