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"No matter whatever else Bernardine might do, she would never think of taking her life into her own hands, I assure you." But the old basket-maker was not so sure of that. He had a strange presentiment of coming evil which he could not shake off. Each evening, according to his declared intention, Jasper Wilde presented himself at David Moore's door.

Associated with the agriculture there are usually a few imperfectly specialised tradesmen, a smith, a garment-maker perhaps, a basket-maker or potter, who group about the church or temple.

When I was to Bosting I saw horses switch their tails just that way." What surprised Ralph was to see that Flat Creek went to meeting. Everybody was there the Meanses, the Joneses, the Bantas, and all the rest. Everybody on Flat Creek seemed to be there, except the old wooden-legged basket-maker.

He knew as soon as he greeted Bernardine and her father that something out of the usual order had transpired, the old basket-maker greeted him so stiffly, Bernardine so constrainedly. Bernardine's manner was quite as sweet and kind, but she did not hold out to him the little hand which it was heaven on earth to him to clasp even for one brief instant.

As it was summer, and the weather in that country extremely hot, the fire soon spread over the whole marsh, and not only consumed all the rushes, but soon extended to the cottage itself, and the poor basket-maker was obliged to run out almost naked to save his life.

In three years ideas had rooted themselves in the common sense of this township, hitherto so lacking in intelligence that a passing traveler would perhaps have thought it hopeless to attempt to instil them. But to continue. "The establishment of the basket-maker was an example set before these poverty-stricken folk that they might profit by it.

"I'll find them for myself!" he exclaimed, and taking the children by either hand, he hurried them out of the tent. As Pompton had surmised, the men had run away to the woods, and hidden themselves, for no trace of them could be seen. The old basket-maker, too, had disappeared, and there was nothing to prevent their departure. "Miss Marjorie, you're a wonder!"

I stayed with him till the time of his death, which happened in about three months, travelling about with him and his family, and living in green lanes, where we saw gypsies and trampers, and all kinds of strange characters. Old Fulcher, besides being an industrious basket-maker, was an out-and-out thief, as was also his son, and, indeed, every member of his family.

The old basket-maker was the most unpopular man in Flat Creek district. He had two great vices. He would go to Clifty and have a "spree" once in three months. And he would tell the truth in a most unscrupulous manner.

"There is no part of the world to which we could go that he would not find us," he muttered, burying his face in his shaking hands. "But we will speak no more about it. It unmans me to think what would happen were " and he stopped short. He had often heard Miss Rogers make allusion to money she could lay her hand on at any moment; but the old basket-maker never believed her.