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This singular visit was of course the subject of much surprise and conjecture in the little family of the blind basket-maker; but when Fanny related how the stranger had accosted her in the street, and inquired her residence, they concluded that he was some eccentric but benevolent person, who had taken that method of contributing to the relief of their wants.

This girl Bernardine whom I refer to, and whom Doctor Gardiner knows, can not possibly be a friend of yours, miss, for she is only the daughter of an humble basket-maker, and lives on the top floor of a tenement house in one of the poorest parts of the city." Sally Pendleton's amazement was so great she could hardly repress the cry of amazement that arose to her lips.

It was not long before another came to the basket-maker, making signs that he wanted to be ornamented like his companion; and with such pleasure were these chaplets considered by the whole nation, that the basket-maker was released from his former drudgery, and continually employed in weaving them.

I sat, yesterday, for an hour, in the stall of a poor German basket-maker who had been long in Caffre-land. His wife, a Berlinerin, was very intelligent, and her account of her life here most entertaining, as showing the different Ansicht natural to Germans.

"Anyway, this one makes a long nest hanging from the end of a branch; he is a good fighter if any one touches it, and can keep away squirrels and chipmunks like a little man." "There are seven different species of North American Orioles," said the Doctor; "but you are only likely to see two of them the hammock-maker and the basket-maker.

But in that case I hope you will take his generous desire to serve my poor basket-maker into benevolent consideration." "Do not press me; I feel so reluctant to refuse any request of yours. But I have my own theory as to the management of an estate, and my system does not allow of favour.

"For the first few days after my basket-maker had set up his business, I never went past his shop but my heart beat somewhat faster.

At first I felt the need of baskets in which to carry things, so I set to work as a basket-maker. It came to my mind that the twigs of the tree whence I cut my stakes might serve. I found them to my purpose as much as I could desire, and, during the next rainy season, I employed myself in making a great many baskets.

"Their fathers are gone to the war, and the mothers have nothing for their children but papyrus-pith and lotus-seeds." "I hope they enjoy it," laughed the joiner. "Let us push to the left; there is a man with some more bread." "The Regent must rejoice greatly over the miracle," said a shoemaker. "It is costing him something." "Nothing like it has happened for a long time," said a basket-maker.

In the excitement, he forgot to ask whose life it was he had saved. The fire proved to be a fearful holocaust. Canal Street had never known a conflagration that equaled it. Doctor Gardiner made superhuman efforts to enter the tenement-house, to save the life of the old basket-maker Bernardine's hapless father who stood paralyzed, incapable of action, at an upper window.