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Updated: August 1, 2024

All th' Jews, excipt th' owners iv anti-Jew papers fr'm Paris, wore heavy masks an' kep' their hands in their pockets. At four o'clock th' prisident called th' aujience to disordher, an', havin' disentangled Gin'ral Merceer an' a former prisident iv th' raypublic, demanded if Moosoo Bertillon was in th' room. "'Here, says that gr-reat janius, descindin' fr'm th' roof in a parachute.

I had me pitcher took, I wint home an' hid in th' cellar. F'r wan night Fr-rance was safe. "They was hardly a dhry eye in th' house whin th' gin'ral paused. Th' coort wept. Th' aujience wept. Siv'ral of th' minor journalists was swept out iv th' room in th' flood. A man shovellin' coal in th' cellar sint up f'r an umbrella. Th' lawn shook with th' convulsive sobs iv th' former ministers.

It was a sad thawt to think that in all that vast aujience Scacely a Sole had the honor of my acquaintance. "& this ere," sed I Bitturly, "is Fame! What do thay care becawz a site of my Kangeroo is worth dubble the price of admission, and that my Snaiks is as harmlis as the new born babe all of which is strictly troo?"

''Tis me hat, he says; an', makin a low bow to th' aujience, he fell to th' flure so hard that his nose fell off an' rowled down on Mike Finnegan. 'I don't like th' play, says Finnegan, 'an' I'll break ye'er nose, he says; an' he done it. He's a wild divvle. Hogan thried to rayturn th' compliment on th' sidewalk afterward; but he cudden't think iv a pome, an' Finnegan done him."

"'I wish to ask this witness wan question, says Gin'ral Merceer. 'Was it th' Robin shell or th' day befure? "'My answer to that, says th' witness, 'is decidedly, Who? "'Thin, says Gin'ral Merceer, 'all I can say is, this wretch's tistimony is all a pack iv lies. "'Hol' on there! calls a voice from th' aujience. "'What d'ye want? says th' prisident.

Every time she cum canterin out I grew more and more delighted with her. When she bowed her hed I bowed mine. When she powtid her lips I powtid mine. When she larfed I larfed. When she jerked her hed back and took a larfin survey of the aujience, sendin a broadside of sassy smiles in among em, I tried to unjint myself & kollapse. In conclushun, Maria, I want you to do well.

"'Ask it, says Cap Dhryfuss. "'Th' pris'ner must answer, says th' coort. 'It is now nearly six o'clock iv th' mornin', an' time to get up an' dhress. "'I refuse to make anny commint, says Cap Dhryfuss, "The pris'ner's remark, uttered in tones iv despair, caused gr-reat emotion in th' aujience. There were angry cries iv 'Lynch him! an' all eyes were tur-rned to th' Cap.

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