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Joseph. in Vit. sect. 3. Joseph. Antiq. 1. xx. c. 4, sect. 2. "Because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome." Suet. Gland. c. xxv. "Judeos, impulsero Chresto assidue tumultuantes, Roma expulit." "After this man, rose up Judas of Galilee, in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him." Joseph. de Bell. 1. vii.

In another epistle to Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, he complaineth that external superstitions were so corrected in the church of England, ut residui maneant innumeri surculi, qui assidue pullulent.

And yet they are no other than pictures that make no essential dissimilitude; for as you see actors in a play representing the person of a duke or an emperor upon the stage, and immediately after return to their true and original condition of valets and porters, so the emperor, whose pomp and lustre so dazzle you in public: "Scilicet grandes viridi cum luce smaragdi Auto includuntur, teriturque thalassina vestis Assidue, et Veneris sudorem exercita potat;"

And afterwards, in the Sicilian war, the following epigram was published: Postquam bis classe victus naves perdidit, Aliquando ut vincat, ludit assidue aleam. Twice having lost a fleet in luckless fight, To win at last, he games both day and night.

Unde autem et Joannes venit in medium?... Si nihil omnino administrasset Joannes ... nemo discipulos Christi manducantes et bibentes ad formam discipulorum Joannis assidue jejunantium et orantium provocasset.... Nunc humiliter reddens rationem, quod non possent jejunare filii sponsi quamdiu cum eis esset sponsus, postea vero jejunaturos promittens, cum ablatus ab eis sponsus esset.

'Tis said, that the light of the sun is not one continuous thing, but that he darts new rays so thick one upon another that we cannot perceive the intermission: "Largus enim liquidi fons luminis, aetherius sol, Irrigat assidue coelum candore recenti, Suppeditatque novo confestim lumine lumen." Just so the soul variously and imperceptibly darts out her passions.