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Updated: October 8, 2024

Joseph. in Vit. sect. 3. Joseph. Antiq. 1. xx. c. 4, sect. 2. "Because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome." Suet. Gland. c. xxv. "Judeos, impulsero Chresto assidue tumultuantes, Roma expulit." "After this man, rose up Judas of Galilee, in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him." Joseph. de Bell. 1. vii.

We Aboabs are very old; I wish to prove to the consul that we are judeos of Spain, and that we still remember the beautiful land." And from underneath the counter he drew forth divers rolls of parchment covered with Hebrew characters. They were matrimonial documents, acts of union of the Aboabs with certain families of the Israelite community.

The reason, then, why the things prescribed in that canon are called necessary, ver. 28, is not because, being indifferent before the making and publication of the canon, they became necessary by virtue of the canon after it was made, as the Bishop teacheth, but quia tunc charitas exigebat, ut illa sua libertate qui ex gentibus conversi erant, propter proximi edificationem inter judeos non uterentur, sed ab ea abstinerent, saith Chemnitius.

And the consul returned almost every morning to chat with the patriarch, while Zabulon attended to the customers and counted money. Samuel Aboab spoke of Spain with tearful delight, as of a marvelous country whose entrance was guarded by terrible monsters with fiery swords. Did they still recall the judeos there?

His voice quivered, pained by recollections, and afterwards, as if he had in memory advanced to recent times, he added, "Ah! Castelar!... Castelar, a friend of the Jews, and he defended them. Of the judeos, as they say there!" His flood of tears, ill restrained up to that moment, could no longer be held back, and at this grateful recollection it gushed from his eyes, inundating his beard. "Spain!

Go to Spain!..." The old man huddled together like a timorous snail before the idea of this journey. "There are still laws against the poor judeos. The decree of the Catholic Kings. Let them first repeal it!... Let them first call us back!" Aguirre laughed at his listener's fears. Bah! The Catholic Kings! Much they counted for now!... Who remembered those good gentlemen?

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