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At Buenos Aires acute difference of opinion about the extent to which the movement should be carried and about the permanent form of government to be adopted as well as the method of establishing it produced a series of political commotions little short of anarchy. Triumvirates followed the junta into power; supreme directors alternated with triumvirates; and constituent assemblies came and went.

Then Julio had made his trip to Buenos Aires, encountering in the other hemisphere the last smile of Autumn and the first icy winds from the pampas.

The soldiers had had experience in the European war and they had proved equal or superior to the armies of Napoleon. The plan was to seize Venezuela and Nueva Granada, then go southward to Peru, and then to Buenos Aires.

By traveling overland to Rio, Lewis caught the newest and finest of the big steam-packets plying between Buenos Aires and Southampton. This old world of his had been moving apace in more ways than one. The years since, with his father, he had made this same trip were comparatively few, but during them progress had more than taken a long stride; it had crossed a line.

And Desnoyers was henceforth consulted in all matters of style every time they ordered any "confections" from the shops of Buenos Aires. The interior of the house reflected the different tastes of the two generations. The girls had a parlor with a few handsome pieces of furniture placed against the cracked walls, and some showy lamps that were never lighted.

Weighing anchor at Buenos Aires An outburst of emotion at the mouth of the Plate Submerged by a great wave A stormy entrance to the strait Captain Samblich's happy gift of a bag of carpet-tacks Off Cape Froward Chased by Indians from Fortescue Bay A miss-shot for "Black Pedro" Taking in supplies of wood and water at Three Island Cove Animal life.

The so-called "conquest of the desert" in the far south of the continent opened to civilization a vast habitable area of untold economic possibilities. In the electoral campaign of 1880 the presidential candidates were Julio Argentino Roca and the Governor of the province of Buenos Aires.

On the threshold of the drawing-room he recalled with an effort that the steps he contemplated concerned Winifred at the moment, not himself. Winifred was still sitting at her Buhl bureau. "It's quite true," he said; "he's gone to Buenos Aires, started this morning we'd better have him shadowed when he lands. I'll cable at once. Otherwise we may have a lot of expense.

Alicia Moreau, to send a representative to the congress of the International Alliance in Geneva in June and be received as an auxiliary. Large meetings have been held in Buenos Aires. There is much favorable sentiment in the Parliament, where bills have been introduced. The woman suffrage movement is well advanced in Uruguay under the presidency of Dr.

On consulting the steamer-list he saw that the Royal Mail Steam Packet Corrientes would sail for Southampton in exactly six days' time. By dint of working all night with Mr. Green, who was happy to lend himself to anything that would show him the last of his rival, he was able to take a train to the Port next day. It was half-past six when he arrived in Buenos Aires.