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There is a central peak, which, though not an easy object, I once glimpsed with a 4 inch Cook achromatic, and have seen it two or three times since with an 8 1/2 inch Calver reflector. A small crater, detected by Schmidt, which I once saw very distinctly under evening illumination, stands on the floor at the foot of the W. wall.

The Hippalus rill-system is a very interesting one, and the greater part of it can, moreover, be easily traced in a good 4 inch achromatic. It originates in the rugged region E. of Campanus, from which five nearly parallel curved clefts extend up to the rocky barrier, connecting the N. side of this formation with the S.W. side of Hippalus.

Ferguson, the astronomer, lived by portrait painting, until his merits as a scientific man were recognized. John Dollond maintained himself as a silk weaver in Spitalfields. In the course of his studies he made great improvements in the refracting telescope; and the achromatic telescope, which he invented, gave him a high rank among the philosophers of his age.

The old ways were dear to him; and, indefatigable as he was, a definite purpose was wanting to compel him, by its exigencies, along the path of progress. Thus, for almost fifty years after Bradley's death, the acquisition of a small achromatic was the only notable change made in the instrumental equipment of the Observatory.

He now zealously devoted himself to the improvement of the achromatic telescope; and, after a prolonged study of the theory of lenses, and many toilsome experiments in the manufacture of flint-glass, he succeeded in perfecting, December 12, 1817, an object-glass of exquisite quality and finish, 9-1/2 inches in diameter, and of 14 feet focal length.

He did not confine his efforts to simply lengthening the focal length of his telescopes, however, but also added to their efficiency by inventing an almost perfect achromatic eye-piece. In 1663 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of London, and in 1669 he gave to that body a concise statement of the laws governing the collision of elastic bodies.

This instrument is the achromatic microscope. For the history of the successive steps by which it became the effective scientific implement we now possess, I must refer you to the work of Mr. Quekett, to an excellent article in the "Penny Cyclopaedia," or to that of Sir David Brewster in the "Encyclopaedia Britannica."

The coarser parts of this object are easily visible in small telescopes, and may be glimpsed under suitable conditions with a 2 inch achromatic. Commencing a little W. of a small crater N. of Agrippa, it crosses, as a very delicate object, a plain abounding in low ridges and shallow valleys, and runs nearly parallel to the eastern extension of the Ariadaeus rill.

In 1671 he presented to the Royal Society a second and somewhat larger telescope, which he had made; and this type of instrument was little improved upon until the introduction of the achromatic telescope, invented by Chester Moor Hall in 1733. As is generally known, the element of accurate measurements of time plays an important part in the measurements of the movements of the heavenly bodies.

The great cleft, extending from the central mountains to the S.E. wall, and perhaps beyond, was discovered by Schroter on September 16, 1788, and can be seen in a 2 inch achromatic. In larger instruments it is found to be in places bordered by raised banks.