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Proportion Proportion Annual Average Births Burials Marriages of Births to of Births to Marriages Burials 6 yrs to 1702 6,540 4,647 1,810 36 to 10 140 to 100 6 yrs to 1708 7,455 4,208 1,875 39 to 10 177 to 100 6 yrs to 1726 8,432 5,627 2,131 39 to 10 150 to 100 6 yrs to 1756 12,767 9,281 2,957 43 to 10 137 to 100

A LOYAL IRISH GIRL. We are very glad that you have been improved by the late competition. We are much obliged by your kind offer. Your letter is very creditably written and composed. SWEET WILLIAM. Directions for bookbinding were given in vol. ii., pages 342, 426, and 810. R. L. I. Our paper can be got in all the colonies.

T'ink it were one o' dem islands. Reckon ah's a subjec' o' de' worl', boss." Weeks afterward the population of Uncle Sam's ten by fifty-mile strip of tropics was found to have been on February first, 1912, 62,810. No, anxious reader, I am not giving away inside information; the source of my remarks is the public prints. Of the entire population 37,428 were employed by the U. S. government.

Most powerful among them was Halfdan the Swarthy, who was only a year old in 810 when his father was killed in battle. He lived for many years, and he and his wife Ragnhild had strange dreams. The queen dreamed that a thorn which she took out of her clothes grew in her hands until one end of it took root in the ground and the other shot up into the air.

Aybonito, with its acclimatization station, 970 yards; Adjuntas, an almost exclusively Spanish town, 810 yards; Cayey, with a very agreeable climate, 750 yards; Lares, with a very agreeable climate, 510 yards; Utuado, with a very agreeable climate, 480 yards; Muricao, an exclusively Spanish town, 480 yards. To ascend to all these towns there are very good wagon roads.

The surrounding country was wild and uninhabited save for the isolated groups of loyal track-men who stuck to their lonely but important posts during the blizzard months with the same persistence that carried them through the fly season. Engine 810 would take water there.

The distance from Puerto Plata, on the north coast of the island, to New York is 1255 miles, to Havana 710 miles, and to Southampton 3925 miles. The distance from Santo Domingo City to San Juan, Porto Rico, is 230 miles, to La Guayra 500 miles, and to Colon 810 miles.

Of the four important mineral elements, potassium is by far the most abundant in common soils. Thus, as an average of ten residual soils from ten different geological formations in the eastern part of United States, two million pounds of subsurface soil were found to contain: Potassium 37,860 pounds Magnesium 14,080 pounds Calcium 7,810 pounds Phosphorus 1,100 pounds

It closely resembles the figure of Asshur-izir-pal, whereof a representation has been already given. The successor of Shamas-Vul was his son Vul-lush, the third monarch of that name, who ascended the throne B.C. 810, and held it for twenty-nine years, from B.C. 810 to B.C. 781. The memorials which we possess of this king's reign are but scanty.

Subtracting these county totals from the state totals the record would stand 46,810 "yes" votes and 45,782 "no" votes. Who then are the voters of nine counties who kept the women of an entire state disfranchised? The following table presents the answer: The large "no" vote in several counties was due to the same character of population.