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See Manual of Greek Antiquities by Percy Gardner and F. B. Jerome ; also Prolegomena to Greek Religion by Jane E. Harrison . Reitzenstein, pp. 15 and 18; also S. J. Case, Evolution of Early Christianity, p. 301. "The Mysteries," says Dr. Cheetham very candidly, "influenced Christianity considerably and modified it in some important respects"; and Dr.

Ogden, I, 301, 307. Life and Letters, II, 485. Random Recollections, Evening Post, December 30, 1899. Ogden, II, 30, 136, 213, 214, 247, 253. Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy, 117. Ogden, II, 51. Essays, 38. Vol. 52, p. 267. Vol. 52, p. 66. June 25, 1885. Ogden, II, 116. Ibid., I, 252. Biographical Studies, 370. Ogden, II, 229. Evening Post, December 30, 1899.

Orders were given for removing the queen of Scots from Bolton, a place surrounded with Catholics, to Tutbury, in the county of Stafford, where she was put under the custody of the earl of Shrewsbury. * Goodall, vol. ii. p. 295. Goodall. vol. ii. p. 301.

"Good, my lad," said Cuchulain; "these are the tokens of a herald." Description of the herald MacRoath in the story of The Tain bo Chuailgné. O'Curry's "Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish," Vol. II., p. 301. Golden Bells In O'Curry's "Lectures on the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish" are several dazzling descriptions of cavalcades taken from the old tales.

By the end of November a total of 301,000 prime contracts involving commitments of 64 billion dollars had been terminated. Of this total, 67,000 contracts with commitments of 35 billion dollars remained to be settled. Termination payments on these contracts are estimated at about 3.5 billion dollars.

It reminds us of the sin of our first parents, which made the Cross necessary; it reminds us of the hatred God bears to sin, when such sufferings were endured to make satisfaction for it; it reminds us of Christ's love, etc. 300 Q. What other sacramental is in very frequent use? A. Another sacramental in very frequent use is holy water. 301 Q. What is, holy water?

Romilly, on behalf of the actors of the Odéon, had paid the cemetery board 300 francs to be exact, 301 fr. 80 centimes. He had even made plans for a monument, a broken stele with comedy masks suspended upon it. But no decision had been come to on this point. The celebrant blessed the open grave. And the priest and the boy choristers murmured the responses: "Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine."

Their opposition to Home Rule for Ireland grew out of their hostility to Roman Catholicism and the fear of its supremacy. After six months of earnest debate in the House of Commons, the Home Rule Bill for Ireland was passed, with slight amendments, September 1, 1893, by a vote of 301 to 267, a majority of thirty-four, The struggle was perhaps the most heated in the history of Parliament.

This piece may have been used when the king was dismissing his distinguished guests in the ancestral temple. See the introductory note to this Part, pp. 300, 301. The mention of 'the private fields' implies that there were also 'the public fields, cultivated by the husbandmen in common, in behalf of the government.

A suspected thief was overheard boasting, "They never catches me: and they never ooll neither. I allus wears a toad's heart round my neck, I does." See Mrs. Ella M. Leather, in Folk-lore, xxiv. p. 238. Above, p. 301. The writer does not say where this took place; probably it was in Cornwall or Devonshire. Rev.