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Bresler has called attention to the fact that the movements are in the nature of defensive and protective movements of expression and mimicry and originally in reaction to some external irritant or as the result of some idea, and he proposed the name "mimische Krampfneurose" for them. This is somewhat allied to Breuer and Freud's theory of hysteria. Quoted by Meige and Feindel, Loc. cit., p. 267.

On the judges who were influenced by friendship, of whom it was exclaimed, O how just! n. 231. On the reasoners, of whom it was exclaimed, O how learned! n. 232. On the confirmatory, of whom it was exclaimed, O how wise! n. 233. On those who are in the love of ruling from the love of self, n. 261-266. On those who are in the love of possessing all things of the world, n. 267, 268.

Higden, p. 265, 267, 266. Spell. There was another mistress of Edgar, with whom he first formed a connexion by a kind of accident. Passing one day by Andover, he lodged in the house of a nobleman, whose daughter, being endowed with all the graces of person and behaviour, inflamed him at first sight with the highest desire; and he resolved by any expedient to gratify it.

Also, "The court of the Hundred is no court of record, and the suitors be thereof judges." 4 Inst., 267. Also, "The court-baron is a court incident to every manor, and is not of record, and the suitors be thereof judges." 4 Inst., 268. Also, "The court of ancient demesne is in the nature of a court-baron, wherein the suitors are judges, and is no court of record." 4 Inst., 269. Millar says,

With equal judgment, skill, and daring, Mower finally drove the Confederates off the field in confusion and with heavy loss, and so brought to a brilliant close the part borne by the gallant soldiers of the Army of the Tennessee in their trying service in Louisiana. Mower's loss was 38 killed, 226 wounded, and 3 missing, in all 267.

"Right-O!" said Moorshed, putting down the wheel, and as we left those scant waters I felt 267 move more freely. A thin cough ran up the speaking-tube. "Well, what is it, Mr. Hinchcliffe?" said Moorshed. "I merely wished to report that she is still continuin' to go, Sir." "Right-O! Can we whack her up to fifteen, d'you think?"

I have often seen them dug out of my garden, or in my wheat field, by the men engaged in digging ditches for irrigation. The floods usually overflow the river flats in August or September, and recede again in February or March. For further particulars respecting the modes of catching the eu-kod-kos, vide vol. ii. pages 252 and 267."

A comprehensive measure, with the object of 'rescuing their marine from its condition of impotence, was taken by the Romans in the year 267 B.C. Four quoestores classici in modern naval English we may perhaps call them port-admirals were nominated, and one was stationed at each of four ports. The objects of the Roman Senate, so Mommsen tells us, were very obvious.

I have often seen them dug out of my garden, or in my wheat field, by the men engaged in digging ditches for irrigation. The floods usually overflow the river flats in August or September, and recede again in February or March. For further particulars respecting the modes of catching the eu-kod-kos, vide vol. ii. pages 252 and 267."

PETER, the Apostle, represented truth and faith, 119. Those are in the phantasy of their respective concupiscences who think interiorly in themselves, and too much indulge their imagination by discoursing with themselves; for these separate their spirit almost from connection with the body, and by vision overflow the understanding, 267.