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Updated: August 26, 2024

Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Of the men graduates of Antioch, 13-1/2 per cent have died; of the women graduates, 9-3/4 per cent. This of course does not include the war mortality or accidental deaths. Three of the men are confirmed invalids. No woman graduate is such.

The horns taped a good 34 inches along the curve and 13-1/2 inches around the butts. That night the weather changed, and thenceforth the mountains were constantly enveloped in mist, while it rained almost daily. These were most difficult conditions under which to hunt, for sheep have wonderful vision and can see a hunter through the mist long before they can be seen.

After swimming for 6 hours 48 minutes and 30 seconds, during which period he covered 13-1/2 miles, Webb was compelled to leave the water owing to having drifted 9-3/4 miles to the eastward of his course by a northeast stream and stress of weather. Webb started from Dover 2 hours 25 minutes before high water on a tide rising 13 feet 7 inches at that port.

It is inferred, whether correctly or not it is not for me to say, that the surface of the water may gradually sink to the level of 1841, and in that event the water, which was, when the bill passed, 13-1/2 feet deep in the channel, might sink to 9-1/2 feet, and thus obstruct the passage.

The area of the base is 64,753 square yards, or about 13-1/3 acres. The surface of each face, not including the base, is 25,493 square yards; and that of the four faces is consequently 101,972 square yards, or more than 21 acres. The solid contents of the pyramid, without making deductions for the small interior chambers, is 3,394,307 cubic yards.

I have often seen them with a 12-1/2-oz. or 13-oz. These are too light, and may be condemned. If you use a racket that is too light, it means that the maker has not been able to string it as tightly as it ought to be strung the frame would not stand the tension. I do not think a racket should be lighter than 13-1/2 oz., which is the normal weight for ladies.

The one in the old parlor has a width of 38-1/2 inches, a height of 28-1/2 inches, and a depth of 13-1/2 inches. The smallest has an opening just off the square which is 27 inches wide by 25-1/2 inches high with a depth of only 11 inches. All three are non-smokers under all conditions of wind and weather.

The jurors might catch a man 'handhabend, backbarend, or confessand, with stolen goods worth 13-1/2d. in his possession and cut off his head on a primitive guillotine without troubling the judges.

Even this, however, was shortly afterwards excelled; for another new clipper, the Washington, accomplished the distance in a little over 13-1/2 days. The pleasure-vessels which are so numerous in the south of England, belonging to the several yacht-clubs, are sharing in the modern speed-producing improvements observable in other vessels.

40 gallons of Rum Punch @ 3/6 pr. galn 7 0 0 15 gallons of Wine @ 10/ pr. galn 7 10 0 Dinner for your Friends 3 0 0 13-1/2 gallons of Wine @ 10/ 6 15 3-1/2 pts. of Brandy @ 1/3 4 4-1/2 13 Galls. Beer @ 1/3 16 3 8 qts. Cyder Royl @ 1/6 0 12 0 Punch 3 9 30 gallns. of strong beer @ 8d pr. gall 1 0 1 hhd & 1 Barrell of Punch, consisting of 26 gals. best Barbadoes rum, 5/ 6 10 0 12 lbs. S. Refd.

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